Agartha / Shambhala & "Three Warfares"

in news •  11 months ago 

"Chinese writings often refer to the “three warfares” (san zhan): public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, and legal warfare. Chinese analyses almost always link the three together, as they are seen as interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

Public opinion/media warfare is the struggle to gain dominance over the venue for implementing psychological and legal warfare."

Psychological Warfare

"This is the story of a Norwegian, Olaf Jansen, and his father, and their trip on a sail boat to the inner earth, via the glaciers of the north polar region"

Macuxi Indians Claim Earth Is Hollow And Inhabited By “Giant Creatures”

"The concept of Shambhala plays an important role in Tibetan religious teachings and has particular relevance in Tibetan mythology about the future. The Kalachakra prophesies the gradual deterioration of mankind as the ideology of materialism spreads over the earth."

Deros – Advanced Creatures from Beneath the Hollow Earth

"Intense preparations begun for expeditions inside all 3 tunnels, as following: the first one to Egypt, the second to Tibet, and the third one to Earth’s core."

"IN DECEMBER OF 1923, TWO unlikely travelers arrived in Darjeeling, India intent on finding what could not possibly exist: Shambhala, a kingdom located inside a hollow earth. Along them trailed Soviet spies, Western occultists and Mongolian rebels, all serving their own agendas. Even with so many eyes on them, their expedition still managed to disappear from the face of the earth for months; when they finally emerged, they had a fascinating story to tell and even more secrets to hide."

"The Cintamani Stone (or Chintamani Stone) is a legendary artifact of Buddhist and Hindu mythology, a “wish-fulfilling gem of extraordinary power.

According to Buddhist legend, it fell from the stars and landed in Tibet, where the ancient Buddhists revered it as a spiritual jewel. However, its power was considered so great, and so potentially disastrous, they ultimately sent it to the mystical, hidden city of Shambhala."

"This title refers to the power, control, creation, perception, invasion and fear. Moreover, the one who gets this position reports to the full-blooded Reptilian leader in the inner Earth."

Public Opinion / Media Warfare

Ancient Aliens: Crystal City Discovered Under Antarctica (Season 18)

Finding Agartha: The Search for the Hidden City in the Center of the Earth

Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth | Truth or Lore

"They Uncovered Something in Antarctica That No Man Should See"

Antarctica Mysterious Facts | Billy Carson

Legal Warfare

"To get to the bottom of the theory, Egerton even volunteered to sail to the North Pole on a Russian icebreaker as part of an expedition to locate an entrance to the Hollow Earth. (Hollow Earth lore holds that giant holes, known as Symmes Holes, are located at either pole.) Unfortunately the trip never happened, at least as far as he knows."

"The Hollow Earth Institute is dedicated to the exploration and scientific study of the inner earth. For decades, researchers have investigated theories about a vast inner realm inside the earth with its own geological formations, atmosphere, and perhaps even inhabitation.

Speculation about a hollow earth dates back centuries but remained largely unsubstantiated science fiction. Enterprising explorers and thinkers proposed that advanced civilizations could exist within the earth, perhaps explaining bizarre compass readings, a lighter gravitational pull within mountain caves, and stories of underground behemoths."

"And, as president, he approved a mission to send explorers to the center of the Earth."

"The expedition, never carried out of course, arose out of a theory that our planet was actually hollow and that there might be entire worlds, populated with flora and fauna, below the surface"

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