American Common Law Courts: Pseudo fictitious judicial and governmental entities?

in news •  3 years ago 

"Judge-made law – known as common law – is law that has developed from judgments handed down in court."

"if Trump says that he has chosen his new nominee to fill Scalia's seat because he or she would make "an incredible bill-signer." (Some might even mistakenly think that Trump has nominated someone to fill his own position, since the Constitution grants bill-signing power to the president.)"

"All of the other American Courts are pseudo courts or fictions and simply are Corporate Administrative Offices designed to resemble Courts and all of their Judges are simply Executive Administrations designed to resemble Judges.

The purpose of these pseudo Corporate Courts are only to settle contract disputes and since George Washington’s government was military in structure; if either party refuses to participate, these Courts cannot become involved and the dispute is dead in the water!"

"A Trust has 3 persons: Beneficiary, Trustee and Executor.
Legally, one person cannot act as all 3 in a Trust.
The judge is supposed to be a Public Trustee acting for the state, defendant, plaintiff, etc.
But the judge (a pseudo judge) wants to trick you into switching your rightful role.
A Trustee can only take orders.
The judge and/or prosecutor wants to fool you into being the Trustee of your own Trust (cestui que vie) account."

"Citizens' grand juries (also known as common law grand juries and people's grand juries) are sham juries created primarily by adherents of the sovereign citizen movement, who have a fondness for creating fictitious judicial and governmental entities. Such bogus juries often issue threats, bogus liens or other forms of "paper terrorism." They may also be found as "jural societies," "common law courts," or other names."

"The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors domestic anti-government groups and reports on their activities, has noted with concern the attempted formation of numerous so-called “common law grand juries” or people’s grand juries” in various counties across the country.

The sovereign citizens claim their bogus “grand juries” have the authority to conduct investigations, issue indictments, and remove officials from office."

""Common law courts" are bogus courts established by adherents of the sovereign citizen movement, who reject the legitimacy of actual courts"

"Citizens' grand juries (also known as common law grand juries and people's grand juries) are sham juries created primarily by adherents of the sovereign citizen movement, who have a fondness for creating fictitious judicial and governmental entities."

"They bring their grievances, primarily against the state and federal government to their common law courts. These pseudo courts typically provide them with the outcomes they are looking for, which can be anything from bogus indictments, filing commercial liens to arrest warrants, multi-million or billion-dollar judgments or calls for execution against the person or government agency they are aggrieved at."


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