Ancient royal pre-Adamic "Tall White" aliens in control of the U.S. government?

in news •  3 years ago 

"You have the Adamic race and you have the pre-Adamites. That means there were people on the earth before Adam. The pre-Adamites is the us out of which Adam came, and they are called aboriginal. There were pre-Adamites on the earth before Adam."

"The U.S. government is being controlled by a secret regime of aliens called "Tall Whites," who were also instrumental in the rise of Nazi Germany, Iran's semi-official news agency Fars reported on Sunday."

"Tall Whites aka ”doctors” (executives)"

"Anywhere you go in Peru, you hear the stories about these tall, white-skinned and red-haired “gods” with beards, who came from across the sea. They taught native men agriculture, astronomy, architecture…They had elongated skulls, some of which have been found and are currently displayed at the Paracas History Museum."

"The additional information released by Corey suggests there are many risks in waking up the Pre-Adamites who would likely attempt to reassert their authority by utilizing their advanced technologies, including the little understood “Builder race technology”."

"They said the royals were not supposed to be awakened until after the next solar event."

"Their ruins were discovered under the ice so important world leaders quickly travelled to Antarctica."

Buzz Aldrin in Antartica Warns Humanity: “We Are All In Danger. It Is Evil Itself”

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