Bankrupt U.S. Corporation: Bank accounts zeroed out, you'll own nothing and be happy?

in news •  3 years ago 

"the federal United States government had to
assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of
the loan. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they
assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S.
citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt
. They also
pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks
forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as
collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred
as payment to the international bankers"

"The US Corporation was already bankrupt, causing Central Banks across the Globe, along with the US Congress, White House, IRS, Feds and Federal Reserve to be or were in the process of shutting down."

"Upon delivering the computers to me….I enter the codes, the codes immediately go into the master bank of the new US treasury….that code then sequences all the other treasure banks around the world with their codes and unlocks the gold.

When that unlocks then everybody immediately has access to their accounts

Immediately-according to Interpol, who set this up….all fiat currencies are zeroed out…they have no value
All derivatives and debts are zeroed out. That’s 15,000 Quadrillions of Derivatives

Every bank in the world will be zeroed out."

"Money that is deposited into a checking or savings account is considered an “unsecured debt” of the bank. Thus, before a bank becomes insolvent, the European regulators can simply require the bank to confiscate its customer’s deposited money and convert it to shares of equity that have the potential to become worthless on the market or be tied up for years in resolution proceedings. The result is that the distressed bank’s customers may very well become the largest class of unsecured creditors of the distressed bank, or worse, the largest class of shareholders of the distressed bank. Unsecured creditors and shareholders are the next to last and last, respectively, parties to be paid in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings."

In 2030, You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy About It

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