Clean Energy & Reduce Methane: Vermicompost, Hydrogen / Oxygen Gas, Electromagnetic Energy, Geothermal, "Free Energy" Generators & Plasma Waste Converters?

in news •  last year 

"Clean energy does not include natural gas, biomass, nuclear power or the oxymoron “clean coal.”"


"Vermicomposting, or worm composting, turns food scraps into a beneficial soil amendment that can be used in home gardens, landscaping, turfgrass, farms and more. Over one-third of all available food goes uneaten through loss or waste. Composting keeps food waste out of landfills where it decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas."

Hydrogen / Oxygen(Gas / Diesel)

"Water Powered Cars or Hydrogen/Oxygen Powered Cars, using 100% water as fuel is real. By splitting water by electrolysis and creating hydrogen/oxygen gas, you can replace gasoline."

"Hydrogen and Oxygen gas spilt from water, we can "Hydroxy gas""

Electromagnetic Energy

"Our Sun emits electromagnetic energy and that energy showers down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a energy receiving device (an antenna) can easily be built to harness and use this power"

"The fuel to power the world’s machinery and vehicles for thousands of years can be derived from electromagnetic wave conductors. We have known for 80+ years that electromagnetic coupling can be used to harness the freely available cosmic rays (electromagnetic radiation) and power the entire world. A simple antenna is an electromagnetic conductor which converts harnessed radio waves in free space to an electrical current. This electromagnetic conversion can power all our machinery, including our automobiles."


"Geothermal energy is heat within the earth. The word geothermal comes from the Greek words geo (earth) and therme (heat). Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source because heat is continuously produced inside the earth. People use geothermal heat for bathing, for heating buildings, and for generating electricity."

"Free Energy" Generators

Make Free Energy Generator 220v With 5kw Alternator And Motor Flywheel Free Electricity Generator

Get Free Energy with AC Motor and Car Alternator 💡 | Oscillating Magnet | New Liberty Engine #1

Alternator 220V & Motor generator 12V, charging system

"All the generator needed was an external energy source to start it up, after which it ran till someone stopped it or because of a mechanical failure. This Tesla mentions in his correspondence with Sava Kosanovic, March 1, 1941...

"I add that in the station one must have a small generator or battery of 30 volts for activation.""

Plasma Waste Converters

"Perhaps the most amazing part of the process is that it’s self-sustaining. Just like your toaster, Startech’s Plasma Converter draws its power from the electrical grid to get started. The initial voltage is about equal to the zap from a police stun gun. But once the cycle is under way, the 2,200˚F syngas is fed into a cooling system, generating steam that drives turbines to produce electricity. About two thirds of the power is siphoned off to run the converter; the rest can be used on-site for heating or electricity, or sold back to the utility grid. “Even a blackout would not stop the operation of the facility,” Longo says."

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