COVID-19: The Great Alliance Heist Of Vatican Treasures?

in news •  3 years ago 

"Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts."

"This was when the Alliance and Military were taking down the 13 bloodline families, and the Vatican. During this period they found the underground tunnels, the gold and the scrolls/books etc.

It was completely necessary that they kept the world’s attention on the ‘virus’ which allowed them to clean out the tunnel and other necessary work that needed to be done"

"650 aeroplanes were required to carry away all the gold that was brought out of the tunnel which led to Jerusalem.

Please note that when they went to Buckingham Palace, they found similar… huge amounts of gold etc., stored up for the wealthy, having been robbed from the poor.

It was all taken to Fort Knox for safe keeping."

"Trump and the Q military intelligence alliance backing him have already seized the gold and assets of the Old World Order, which took place while Italy was in lockdown during the COVID-19 psyop."

"President Trump is not just marked as the executor of the U.S. Treasury of the Fed within the United States, he is the exchequer for every single country on earth. No human in history has every held such a position.

London was the financial arm. Washington D.C. was the military arm. Rome (Vatican City) was the central brain"

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