This Mysterious Computer Could Prove Time Travel Exists | Nostalgia Nerd
"The Dodelston Messages are a set of unexplained 'emails' from a person living in the time of King Henry VII who claims he was given a computer by a mysterious entity from the year 2109"
"The Dodleston Messages are a semi-famous 20th-century mystery in which a schoolteacher in 1984 in the peaceful English village of Dodleston, Cheshire, allegedly received messages from a man who lived in a house on the same site in 1546."
"Vertical time is where all of existence happens in the same instant."
"Time is not exclusively linear as depicted in a timeline. Time is said to be able to be described as vertical, with every moment in existence stacked upon the next and all coinciding with one another. In other words, time is the collective of all moments of all experience simultaneously existing within non-time, which is usually referred to as eternity."
WingMakers Dr Neruda Interviews 1 5 Ancient Arrow Project}➤
"computers that would be powerful enough to time travel. Can you imagine how a goal like that -- in the mid-1950s -- must have sounded to his professors?"
"BST is a form of time travel that enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points."
"BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against any aggressor."
"BST is a specific form of time travel. Science fiction treats time travel as something that is relatively easy to design and develop, and relatively one-dimensional. Time travel is anything but one-dimensional. As advanced in technology as the Corteum and Greys are, they have yet to produce the equivalent of BST. They are able to time travel in its elemental form, but they can't interact with the time that they travel to. That is to say, they can go back in time, but once there, they cannot alter the events of that time because they are in a passive, observational mode.
"The Labyrinth Group has conducted seven time travel experiments over the past 30 years. One clear outcome from these tests is that the person performing the time travel is an integral variable to the technology used to time travel. In other words, the person and the technology need to be precisely matched. The Labyrinth Group, for all it knows, already possesses BST, but lacks the time traveler equivalent of an astronaut who can appropriately finesse the technology in real time and make the split-second adjustments that BST requires.
"The Labyrinth Group has never seriously considered the human element of BST and how it is integral to the technology itself."
"This would have required them to open and hold open a window of time and physically operate within the selected time frame. This is a fundamental requirement of BST. Additionally, it is necessary to be able to select the intervention points with precision -- both in terms of time and space."
"Time travel can be observational in nature. In this regard, the ACIO and other organizations -- even individual citizens -- have the ability to time travel. But this form of time travel is passive. It's not equivalent to BST. In order to precisely alter the future you have to be able to interact with vertical time, paging through it like a book, until you find the precise page or intervention point relevant to your mission.
"This is where it gets so complex because to interact with vertical time means you will alter the course of horizontal time."
"The fifth and most puzzling technology is the interactive time travel technology. The Labyrinth Group has the first four technologies in a ready state waiting for the interactive time travel technology to become operational. This technology requires an operative, or a team of operatives, to be able to physically move into vertical time and be inserted in the precise space and time where the optimal intervention point has been determined. From there the operatives must perform a successful MRP and return to their original time in order to validate mission success.""
"Duncan had almost total control over the flow of time. He could cause portals to open to almost any time by concentrating on a specific date. These portals looked like large spirals or vortexes. Inside the portal was a circular tunnel with light at the far end. One could look through a portal to see a smaller portal or window on the other end. Walking though the tunnel would place a person in whatever time the tunnel was connected to. The tunnels were not always straight, however, and curved around as one made their way to the exit. Sometimes power outages would cause tunnels to vanish, stranding anyone inside. They would be lost somewhere in the time stream with virtually no way to return.
There were a few problems with the initial time portals however. The portals tended to drift and people sent through weren't always able to find the portal for the return trip. It took from 1980 to 1981 to calibrate the equipment and train Duncan to keep a portal stable. The project also worked on spatial as well as temporal stabilization, trying to create portals in both specific times as well as places."
The Unexplained Videos Of A Man Who Claims He Is In 2027
"A TIKTOK "time traveller" has shared new videos claimed to prove he is the last human alive on Earth after a mass extinction.
Javier, who says he is posting from the year 2027, filmed deserted streets in Spain lined with cars and buildings but no people."
"A 'time traveller' who claims to have visited 2027 and witnessed 'human extinction' has posted again on TikTok to say that he's coming back to 2021."
Last Two Survivors In Spain - Calpe & Empty Beaches -
Last Two Survivors In Valencia - First Night Walk - Shadows in Windows Though
Last Two Survivors In Valencia - Jardín de Monforte - We Met Two Cats
"Maria, who claims to be a scientist and goes by the TikTok username of @socmia, says in her bio: "Time is an illusion. Alone in the world with unicosobreviviente.""
"TikTokers Javier and Maria claim to be stuck alone in the future but, thankfully, they have each other for company.
Maria, who claims to be a scientist, posts videos from the 'future' on TikTok using the handle @socmia."
The Wingmakers Controversy: Time Travel, ACIO & Extraterrestrial Threats
"It was then that it was determined that the time capsule was actually designed and built by a future version of humankind who were adept at interactive time travel. They called themselves, WingMakers."