Fantastic Dental Technology And Med-beds To Be Released Soon...UPDATE! Medbeds Arrive: Over 6,000 New Healing Technologies Set to Transform Medicine!

in news •  7 months ago 

"Are you ready to read this interview between Nicholas Veniamin and Maria Benardis on Zoom together. Maria shares wonderful extra information on Medbeds and other suppressed technologies, including dental technology. It is expected they will soon be released."

"Plasma Pen
Maria: So that one is coming. I can mention it now. There is for example, a Plasma Pen that can be used to actually do the fillings. In other words, it helps your tooth regenerate and fill that gap. So it’s really quite extraordinary. We don’t even need all these extractions!

Shen Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration, and also the Detravich(?) Electro-Orthodontia – Dental Electrolysis
I’ll just read of a couple of other inventions which I’ve written down:

There’s the Shen Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration and also the Detravich(?) Electro-Orthodontia – Dental Electrolysis. So using an Electrolysis laser to whiten teeth, to heal teeth and to help the teeth regenerate.

Remineralisation Toothpaste
There is also a toothpaste – a remineralisation toothpaste so as you’re brushing, your not getting any toxins, but you are getting all the nutrients into your teeth so that everyday they are regenerating.

I will give the link to the 5,000 plus health patents that will be released so that people can go in there and do further research.

The issue with Mercury
Nicholas: That’s so interesting! Usually when you have a filling, it’s so bad for us because there is mercury inside that filling. Can you also explain to the listeners why mercury is bad for us?

Maria: Mercury is basically a toxin, and this is why everybody keeps telling us to not eat fish such as tuna and so on, because there is mercury in there.

It is actually like fluoride, it kills our cells and destroys our DNA. If we are putting something like that in our mouth, what is happening, is that it is slowly releasing that mercury over time and it’s making us sick because it’s damaging our cells.

Toxic Effects of Fluoride
Even the fluoride… that’s what the fluoride does that’s in our toothpaste and in our water… it destroys the cells.

Not only that, it actually affects the Pineal Gland, so that a lot of people who are drinking a lot of this water, and using this type of toothpaste, they are finding it very difficult to connect to the Creator God, so they need to eliminate those toxins.

That’s what’s making us sick Nicholas… if it’s not the filling, it’s the fluoride, the GMO’s, the artificial colours. Even things that say ‘natural colours’ are actually toxic.

Nicholas: Yes right. Everything we eat and when I speak to JasonQ, he goes into everything. He says no, you can’t eat like this, or you can’t eat like that, because it’s in everything.

There’s poison in everything. In our medication. The dye’s we put in our hair… our light bulbs…"

"The Medbed is shrouded in a cloak of mystery, with those who’ve experienced its power bound by NDAs. This adds an aura of mystique to the whole affair. It’s not just a medical device; it’s a secret that’s slowly unraveling, a mystery unfolding before our very eyes.

This technology isn’t just about healing wounds or curing diseases. It’s about realigning your entire being with higher vibrational frequencies. It’s about a technology that connects directly to your consciousness, requiring a harmony of heart and mind to function. This isn’t just advanced medical science; it’s a leap into a new dimension of healing.

As we stand on the cusp of this new era, it’s clear that the Medbed represents more than just a technological marvel; it’s a symbol of a new age in human evolution. It’s a testament to the incredible leaps we are capable of when we dare to venture beyond the known boundaries."

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