"The people at Montauk and their alien cohorts are manipulating different timelines from there, where apparently many converge due to the location of the world’s gridlines which meet at Montauk. Each timeline/gridline contains a different ‘reality’ which can apparently be manipulated by technology.
Our present ‘reality’ operates at 435 MHz according to Preston Nichols, and the window frequency to the human consciousness operates at 400-450 MHz.
A new ‘reality’ is being churned out with a series of ‘thought forms’ (emanations from the mind) transmitted from technology tuned to 400-450 Mhz. Nichols claimed that one day when he went to visit the outside Montauk grounds where all the transmitters were, things he saw were there one minute and gone the next, popping in and out of reality."
"Time was looped and twisted and bent beyond recognition using alien computers and magic processes"
"After it was found that time could be travelled through physically, much research was done on multiple realities and the manipulating of them, especially how to manipulate the ‘timeline’ (present reality expressed ) we live on which was found to operate at 435 Mhz."
"Bearden says that scalar beams can also be used to induce diseases by mimicking disease patterns or ‘signatures’ by recreating them on the scalar carriers. These are called ‘quantum potential weapons’.
Especially designed biological effects can be used for attacking any population with various diseases, even multiple diseases together. He lists effects to induce instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system and even the implantation of thoughts, emotions or ideas interpreted as a targeted subject as their own.
There is also a suicide vibration which has been used to get rid of people, with no evidence.
10 Hz is the wavelength used by intelligence agencies to hypnotize, so mass hypnosis can be induced in a whole population with subliminal words added into their own language. This can be used for voting. Bearden says that almost any kind of cellular death and disease can be electromagnetically transmitted by scalar beams using ultraviolet to infrared frequencies.
He writes that photons themselves can carry death and disease between cells. Scalar EM technology allows the synthesis of the actual potential pattern of the biochemistry cells.
This can be made to produce a particular cellular disease or death mechanism and even activate genetically latent diseases. Evidence has been found of manufactured symptoms and resultant cellular death, from nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection, as well as symptoms of drug induced hallucinations."
"As scalar EM represents the deliberate ordering of virtual particle flux into deterministic patterns, the master control system can easily be entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and disorder at will."
"These test subjects were placed inside of a small room on the base and the Sage Radar system was focused on that room, bathing it with massive amounts of micro and radio waves.
By altering the frequency and pulse of the radar set, they could make a person laugh, cry, angry or sleepy. As a side effect, it was found the the general mood of the whole base would change to follow the signal output of the Sage Radar."
"Now that it had been proved the Sage Radar could effect emotional states, the next step was to try and control a person's thoughts. Tests were conducted in the which the pulse rate and amplitude of the Radar system were changed to match various biological functions of the body. Doing so allowed the scientists to actually control what a person thought and did.
It should be pointed out that bathing a person in massive amounts of microwave radiation and intense radio waves is not healthy."
"Much to their delight, it was discovered that non-burning radiation could alter moods and thoughts as well, and didn't damage the subject of the tests!
In 1973, the experimental process had reached a new step. The scientists wanted to experiment with large groups of people, changing their thoughts and moods en masse and monitoring the results."
"The aim of these tests was very simple; to build a database of pulse settings and the effects they caused With time, the scientists were able to construct a control panel that allowed them to broadcast preset signals, thus allowing for consistent mind control effects.
Tests allowed the scientists to create a wide variety of effects, depending on the settings fed into the transmitter. Programs were written that would allow the researchers to do more than simply create mood swings. They found that they could increase the crime rate, incite violence and cause mass panic among animals. They even developed programs that would disable vehicles by burning out all of its electrical functions.
At this point, the Montauk people had developed a reliable method for controlling the thoughts of others. Now, they wanted to make a device that would allow for precise manipulation of a target."
"The size and type of object seemed only to be limited by his imagination, and it is said he materialized entire buildings during the course of these experiments."
"The radar tower was used to turn thought into reality."
"Everything in a physical universe has a natural, resonant frequency – including the universe itself."