Interdimensional Hypothesis: Realities exist alongside the one which we reside at a different vibratory rate?

in news •  2 years ago 

"You need to be at a specific frequency to be able to travel inter-dimensionally."

"frequency to match those “other world” spaces"

"The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter"

"there may actually be 10 or 11 different dimensions, all potentially with their own unique law of physics and chemistry."

"The Interdimensional Hypothesis is one that suggests UFO and alien sightings are actually visits from beings from different dimensions or realities. These realities exist alongside the one which we reside, and far from being a modern phenomenon, they go back to the very beginning of not only our planet, but the universe."

‘Interdimensional Floating City’ seen All Over The World

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