Jesus Christ & "Three Warfares"

in news •  10 months ago 

"Chinese writings often refer to the “three warfares” (san zhan): public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, and legal warfare. Chinese analyses almost always link the three together, as they are seen as interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

Public opinion/media warfare is the struggle to gain dominance over the venue for implementing psychological and legal warfare."

Psychological Warfare

"An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”"

"The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary"

Public Opinion / Media Warfare

Rabbi: The Talmud Says Jesus Is Boiling In Faeces As Punishment

Andrew Tate Says CHRIST IS KING - Mar Mari Emmanuel

"The 2,604,381,000 estimate for mid-year 2023 Christian population total is a 44,506,000-person increase from the mid-year 2022 total."

"The world’s Muslim community is estimated to have reached a total of 2,006,931,770 this week, the Global Muslim Population website reported earlier this week"

"If you spend any time on X (formerly known as Twitter), you may have witnessed the latest bout of intra-Christian brawling. This time, it’s been over the statement “Christ is King”."

‘I Am Giving It All Up For Christ’—OnlyFans Star Nala Ray Declares Faith in Jesus

58 Year Old Atheist Turns Christian After Trying To Prove Religion Is A Conspiracy [Normie]

Kid Rock PREACHES to Joe Rogan About JESUS

JRE: Do You Think There Was A JESUS?

Mark Wahlberg Takes a STAND for His FAITH on LIVE TV

Jay-Z - Subliminal message 'Murder Jesus

BLM Rioters In Charlotte Shout 'F* You, Jesus!'**

Billy Carson | Who Was Jesus Really | Ep. 190

Want to escape poverty? Replace pictures of Jesus with Xi Jinping, Christian villagers urged

Legal Warfare

"Mythicists' arguments are fairly plausible, Ehrman says. According to them, Jesus was never mentioned in any Roman sources and there is no archeological evidence that Jesus ever existed. Even Christian sources are problematic – the Gospels come long after Jesus' death, written by people who never saw the man.

"Most importantly," he explains, "these mythicists point out that there are Pagan gods who were said to die and rise again and so the idea is that Jesus was made up as a Jewish god who died and rose again.""

Zeitgeist - The Movie | Sociological Documentary | Peter Joseph | Finance

"Some argue that Jesus wasn't an actual man, but within a few decades of his lifetime, he was mentioned by Jewish and Roman historians."

"Of the major theological divides that separate Islam and Christianity, one of the most difficult to pin down is the denial of the crucifixion of Jesus in Muslim tradition. Though the assertion that Jesus did not die on the cross appears in only part of one difficult verse in the Qur’an (Q4:157, see below), scholars agree that the majority view within Islam is that this verse “affirms categorically that Christ did not die on the cross and that God raised him to Godself.”[3] In fact, the rejection of the crucifixion has “become a sort of shibboleth of orthodoxy,”[4] thus presenting a significant challenge for Muslim-Christian engagement."

Jospehus’ Description of Jesus

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