Mandeans: Gnostic Mary & Jesus?

in news •  2 years ago 

"Mandeans are known as the only Gnostic community to have survived to this day."

"Mandaeans revered John the Baptist as one of their most important prophets. They claim that he was a Mandaean along with the Old Testament prophets Adam, Abel, Seth, and Enoch. In the Mandean faith, Jesus Christ was considered a deceiver."

"a Pharisee named Arimanios came up to him and said to him, Where is your teacher, whom you followed?

I said to him, He has returned to the place from which he came.

The Pharisee said to me, This Nazarene has deceived you badly, filled your ears with lies, closed your minds, and turned you from the traditions of your parents."

"Mandeans believe that the mother of Jesus was a prominent figure in the Jewish community before her "conversion" to Mandaeism."

"In these forms of gnosticism, the God of the Old Testament, Yahweh, is often considered to have been the Demiurge, not the Monad, or sometimes different passages are interpreted as referring to each."

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