Nikola Tesla Scalar Waves Wireless Energy(Volts Per Second), Power Transmitting Stations & Wireless Power Receiving Units(Homes / Transportation)

in news •  last year 

Making Wireless Energy For The Entire Planet—Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower

"As part of each show, Tesla stood in the middle of the stage, using his 6' 6" height, with an assistant on either side, each 7 feet away. All 3 men wore thick cork or rubber shoe soles to avoid being electrically grounded. Each assistant held a wire, part of a high voltage, low current circuit.

When Tesla raised his arms to each side, violet colored electricity jumped harmlessly across the gaps between the men. At high voltage and frequency in this arrangement, electricity flows over a surface, even the skin, rather than into it. This is a basic circuit which could be used by aircraft / spacecraft."

"In the late 19th century, Tesla’s work on the tower explored electrical transmission using radio frequency resonance to create electrical energy through two coils to generate high voltage, high frequency currents. His experiments used near-field inductive and capacitive couplings. Near-field inductive is a short-range wireless physical layer that transmits a low power, non-propagating magnetic field between devices. Capacitive couplings transmit power between two networks by displacing currents produced by the electrical fields.

Tesla performed demonstrations in front of crowds showing how incandescent bulbs could be lit wireless when in proximity of the coil. As his research progressed, he tested long distance transmission using LC circuits.

Tesla furthered his studies to develop a long-distance transmission method at a high-altitude location in Colorado Springs. His theory was that low-pressure air present at 30,000 feet would allow electrical transmission to travel much longer distances. He speculated he could use the entire planet to conduct electricity by sending alternating current pulses into the ground"

🤔 TESLA'S Secret TECH: Tesla Teleforce or Scalar 'waves'. What they are

"Then Nikola Tesla advanced Maxwell’s findings and invented machines that proved the existence of scalar waves. Because of his great work in scalar waves, Nikola Tesla is generally considered as the father of scalar electromagnetics, so scalar waves are also called Tesla waves.

Later on, the existence of scalar waves was acknowledged by Albert Einstein and led to the development of quantum physics.
What are scalar waves?

Scalar waves are called longitudinal waves, and they are created by a pair of identical waves that are 180 degrees out of phase with one another."

🤓SCALAR WAVE technology & Decausative Communication. Genuine Top Secret Tesla-tech

"Nikola Tesla insisted his electrical transmissions were longitudinal in nature, and thus similar to sound waves. Whereas sound waves have compression (-) and rarefaction (+), electrical waves have positive and negative charge polarity."

The quest for Nikola Tesla’s wireless power technology

American Genius: Alternating current scene (Edison vs. Tesla)

"EM waves merged out of phase (180° apart)

We can also see what happens when the two waves are superimposed 180° out of phase with one another. In this instance, at any spatial point, the summation of the electric and magnetic fields are vector zeros, such that both the electric and magnetic field components are mathematically cancelled, depicted in this case by the resultant red 'flat-line.'

By combining two EM waves in this way, one does not nullify them i.e. cause the electric and magnetic components to “cease to exist.” But rather, the electric and magnetic components are “in-folded,” to produce a beam of an entirely different qualitative nature, with vastly different properties. This is a scalar beam.

With the EM components in-folded, they are effectively not expressed, but are replaced by a very real composite wave propagating through space-time in their place."

"electromagnetic coupling"

"Resonant inductive coupling or magnetic phase synchronous coupling[4][5] is a phenomenon with inductive coupling in which the coupling becomes stronger when the "secondary" (load-bearing) side of the loosely coupled coil resonates.[5] A resonant transformer of this type is often used in analog circuitry as a bandpass filter. Resonant inductive coupling is also used in wireless power systems for portable computers, phones, and vehicles."

"the right frequency and got 240 volts delivered through the air"

"Since the source of energy that powered Tesla’s electric car in 1931 was energy harvested from EM waves that is everywhere this type of electric car had unlimited range.

Tesla used an antenna to capture this free energy and he was able to drive for hours with no stopping whatsoever for a recharge. If he drove and ended up in the middle of nowhere he could stop and rest and continue on in a couple of hours or even days without ever having to worry about running out of power."

"In the article "Nikola Tesla Tells How We May Fly Eight Miles High at 1,000 Miles an Hour" (Reconstruction, July 1919) he spoke about a possible technological revolution in the transmission of propulsive power to aircraft "through the air."

For years I have advocated my system of wireless transmission of power which is now perfectly practicable and I am looking confidently to its adoption and further development. In the system I have developed, distance is of absolutely no consequence. That is to say, a Zeppelin vessel would receive the same power whether it was 12,000 miles away or immediately above the power plant. The application of wireless power for aerial propulsion will do away with a great deal of complication and waste, and it is difficult to imagine that a more perfect means will ever be found to transport human beings to great distances economically. The power supply is virtually unlimited, as any number of power plants can be operated together, supplying energy to airships just as trains running on tracks are now supplied with electrical energy through rails or wires."

Alternator 220V & Motor generator 12V, charging system

Make 12 Kw Free Energy From 12Kw Alternator And 3 Hp Motor Free Electricity Generator 230V

"All the generator needed was an external energy source to start it up, after which it ran till someone stopped it or because of a mechanical failure. This Tesla mentions in his correspondence with Sava Kosanovic, March 1, 1941...

"I add that in the station one must have a small generator or battery of 30 volts for activation.""

"frequency generators"

"In transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current to the antenna's terminals, and the antenna radiates the energy from the current as electromagnetic waves (radio waves)."

"the alternator to continually recharge the Pierce Arrow’s single 12 volt automotive battery and help supply sufficient power to the electric motor."

"Tesla connected the antenna (an electrical device which converts electric radio waves into current – i.e. an infinitely free power supply) to the center-tap of the ignition coil of the Pierce Arrow. 12 vacuum tubes were then wired (connected) together in parallel and connected to the ignition coil. In this circuit, Tesla amplified the very weak radio wave signal and produced a very high voltage output. Enough to power the 80 HP AC electric motor for a full week, often at speeds of up to 90 mph.

If you can power an electric motor using a few electronic devices and free radiant energy and power a very heavy automobile couldn’t you also use the same technology to power your home? The answer is yes.

If you can erect an antenna on a car and connect it to an ignition coil and transistors and amplify the antenna received weak signal into enough electrical energy to power a car you can also do the same and power your home."

"The "energy receiver" (gravitational energy converter) had been built by Tesla himself. The dimensions of the converter housing were approximately 60 x 25 x 15cm. It was installed in front of the dashboard. Among other things, the converter contained 12 vacuum tubes, of which three were of the 70-L-7 type. A heavy antenna approximately 1.8 meters long, came out of the converter."

"Stick an antenna up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it to one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground, and the potential difference will then charge the capacitor."

"Both used matching capacitor banks rated at 5KVA each. Tesla used twelve (12), for a total of 60KVA (KW), while Gray used three (3) for a total of 15KVA.

The key design point for Tesla’s car system was that his power rating of 60KVA equates to 80HP so that all of his design specifications match the full power rating for his car."

What was so scary about Tesla’s ideas? | Decoded

"Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport. If we clear a path to the creation of compelling electric vehicles, but then lay intellectual property landmines behind us to inhibit others, we are acting in a manner contrary to that goal. Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology."

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