Several million "galactic federation" ships currently surrounding planet earth?

in news •  2 years ago 

"A "galactic federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will understand... what space and spaceships are," Haim Eshed said."

"The Galactic Federation of Light is a group of over 3000 star nations who have
several million ships currently surrounding planet earth. Unlike that which humans
are used to, these beings are peaceful, loving, highly intelligent and very in tune
with God and Creator Source. They are our extended family.

What do our star brothers and sisters look like?

The Galactic Federation of Light have members who are of great biological and
genetic diversity (ie. they look different from us and are likely highly
spiritually evolved).

The chosen ones from the Galactic Federation of Light for the EARTH FIRST CONTACT
MISSION are in fact our star brothers and sisters...genetically speaking that is.
Appearance-wise...they are slightly shorter, the women are
pretty, the men are handsome...healthy, wise, non-aging,
embracing their spiritual power as One with God. Our star
brothers and sisters are healthy versions of us"

"Galactic Federation of Light ARRIVAL

Do NOT be alarmed, your lives are about to be changed.

We come in peace.

Your communications systems and platforms will experience temporary outages as our Starship enters the theater of your airspace. Your internet, cable and satellite transmissions are only being temporarily affected.

Enjoy our love and peace. We are your friends and have come to reveal ourselves and help your troubled world."

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