Somatid Cycle Test: Essential for optimal health?

in news •  3 years ago 

"Looking at the somatid cycle (this is shown on our BTTI sheets under the Combination Remedies for the Blood Cells Vial information) the first three stages are normal and are necessary in the human body as an immune response initiator. There are however a further 13 stages from stage 4 to 16."

"He [Naessens] believed somatids to be living organisms distinct from bacteria and viruses, and he described 2 distinct life cycles for these organisms: a 'microcycle' consisting of 3 forms, which he observed in healthy individuals, and a more complex 'macrocycle' consisting of 16 forms which he usually observed in individuals with degenerative diseases, including cancer. He reports that at the different stages of the cycle, the form of the somatids may resemble bacteria, yeasts or fungi. He claims to be able to diagnose and monitor disease processes by observing the number and forms of somatids in the blood." (Kaegi)

Naessens believed that "if the somatids are exposed to some sort of trauma (e.g. pollution, radiation), then they enter a wild uncontrolled growth cycle which leads to cancer."

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