Some Hoaxes / Myths Actually Being Real = Societal Collapse?

in news •  11 months ago 

Planet X

"The distance from earth of a mysterious object in space was reported incorrectly in some editions yesterday. The correct figure is 50 billion miles."


"For years rumors have persisted that on his historic flight to the North Pole, Admiral Byrd flew beyond the Pole into an opening leading inside the Earth. Here he met with advanced beings who had a sobering message for him to deliver to Mankind an the Surface World.

Upon Byrd’s return to Washington on March 11, 1947, he was interviewed intently by top security forces and a medical team. He was placed under strict control and ordered to remain silent on the behalf of humanity. Being a military man, he felt he had to comply."

Ancient Aliens: Crystal City Discovered Under Antarctica (Season 18)


"According to some theorists, Telos has 1 1/2 million technologically advanced denizens. The inhabitants speak Solar Maru, allegedly, the root language of Sanskrit and Hebrew. People’s average height is 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 feet and they live up to thousands of years.

Telos is governed by King Ra, Queen Ramu Mu and a council of six men and six women. There is no money system because basic needs are provided. Trading is used for luxury items. The major spiritual activity is Ascension, involving visiting different dimensions, especially from the third to the fifth dimension."

"Thomas Edwin Castello, a former head of Dulce Base Security, allegedly, a covert highly secret military operation, claims that Telos and Mount Shasta is a place where Lemurian leaders, aliens and humans meet.

Some people believe the US Government is keeping important information about Lemuria secret."

"The present day Telosians are the Lemurians of that ancient challenging period. Over time, in their chosen location within Mt. Shasta, they have developed a magnificent, loving community with the highest spiritual ideals. They are waiting for the right moment to join with us and to share with us, their brothers and sisters on the surface, all that they have learned."

Bucegi Mountains Alien Base

"In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a team from Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service — SRI), had made an epochal discovery, which could had completely change mankind’s destiny.

The United States of America exercised colossal diplomatic pressure on the Romanian Government, which intended to disclose the findings to the entire world."

Crystal Pyramids Bahamas

"The report - on the website Health Care Above All - said, ‘Dr. Meyer Verlag, an oceanographer, discovered giant crystal pyramids using a sonar. The pyramids were found at a depth of two-thousand meters.

‘Scientists could also determine that the giants are made of crystal-like substances. You will be surprised to hear this, but the pyramids are 3 times bigger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

But there’s just one problem - it’s not true."

Sunken City Cuba

"The Cuban underwater formation is a site thought to be a submerged granite structural complex off the coast of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula in the Pinar del Río Province of Cuba"

Iraq Stargate

“Stargate” mentioned in “Iraq War Logs” leaked by Chelsea Manning before imprisonment

"Salla says that the portal is located under one of Iraq's ancient ziggurat temples [Getty]
The US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq was launched because former dictator Saddam Hussein had a portal to an alien world, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.
Michael Salla, an Australian self-styled expert in "extraterrestrial politics", believes that the United States and its allies invaded the country to take control of Hussein's access to alien weapons through the stargate.

Salla believes that extraterrestrials from an undiscovered tenth planet in the Solar System have long been interfering in human politics."

Apollo 20 Alien Moon Base

"A user calling himself retiredafb posted a number of videos purporting to be footage of a secret Apollo 20 mission, jointly manned by US and Soviet astronauts, that took place in August 1976.

Retiredafb identified himself as William Rutledge, a now elderly and retired Nasa astronaut, in exile in Rwanda, who took part in the secret Apollo 20 mission alongside fellow astronauts Leona Marietta Snyder and Alexei Leonov.

According to Rutledge, Apollo 20's mission was to explore the polar region of the Moon, on its dark side, to investigate images supposedly taken by Apollo 15 of the area which showed what appeared to be a vast ancient city and a huge, miles-long crashed spacecraft."

Ancient Orient Grand Canyon

"The hard-carved tunnels and caves and the city were said to contain mummies, a shrine with a figure sitting cross-legged holding a lotus flower or lily in each hand, hieroglyphic writings, and war weapons and copper instruments with sharpened edges as hard as steel. Kinkaid estimated that 50,000 people had once lived in the tunnels and caves"

Gilgamesh Tomb & Kandahar Giant

"A shocking discovery in the FOIA release of State Department emails confirms the claim. An email is discovered “Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim.”"

"Archaeologists in Iraq believe they may have found the lost tomb of King Gilgamesh - the subject of the oldest "book" in history."

"On November 7, 2005, Quayle appeared on Coast to Coast AM and alleged that he had received an email from an anonymous U.S. Air Force officer claiming that the Air Force had discovered a giant in Afghanistan in March 2005 and transported the 12 or more foot tall, 1,100-pound creature to a “secret” base in Europe. It allegedly had six finger on each hand and six toes on each foot, as well as a powerful odor. One version of the story, the one told on radio, according to Coast to Coast episode summaries posted online, claimed that the giant had been recently killed in Afghanistan.

A second version, which cropped up online, claimed that the giant had been discovered in an ancient tomb, buried with artifacts and weapons."

Spaceship Under The Sphinx

"Deep 'neath the rocks,
I buried my spaceship,
waiting the time when man might be free.
Over the spaceship,
erected a marker in the form
of a lion yet like unto man.
There 'neath the image rests yet my spaceship,
forth to be brought when need shall arise.
Know ye, O man, that far in the future,
invaders shall come from out of the deep.
Then awake, ye who have wisdom.
Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease."

Emerald Tablets Great Pyramid

"The Emerald Tablets are now hidden in a secret chamber in the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt."

Alpha-Omega Ring

"Alpha – Omega Ring with 12 small pieces of diamond and a large diamond in the center preserved during the early times of Adam."

"the physical ancient ring of Alpha – Omega Ring"

NASA Heavenly City

"In 1994, a researcher smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo."

Ancient Arrow Project

"Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA -- responsible for extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation -- took the discovery into their laboratory for the purposes of their own agenda. This secret organization is known as the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity until now.

The discovery -- referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project -- consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within a huge, natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New Mexico. Inside this massive and well-hidden structure were incredible artifacts of a culture that was of indeterminate origins. In each of the 23 chambers were found wall paintings, various alien technologies, and strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most appearances, the discovery was like a natural history museum from an alien race. It became known among the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.

Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this time capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth in the 8th century AD. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the encoded language found within the site and its artifacts became accessible to the ACIO. It was then that it was determined that the time capsule was actually designed and built by a future version of humankind who were adept at interactive time travel. They called themselves, WingMakers."

Black Pyramid Alaska

The Mystery of the Black Pyramid in Alaska

"There is a black pyramid buried deep underground in the Alaskan wilderness, somewhere between Nome and Mt. McKinley. Exactly twice the size of the Great Pyramid at Giza — itself the tallest known human-made structure for nearly 3800 years — the dark pyramid is guarded by the U.S. military, or by a mysterious private militia that strictly controls access to the site. It is alien technology, or a remnant of a lost human civilization and generates its own energy, which may or may not be electricity. Regardless, it is estimated to be enough to power the entire state of Alaska…or the entire nation of Canada."

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