Synthetic Peptide Vaccines, Resonant Frequency + Carrier Wave & Supplements: Eradication of airborne pathogens?

in news •  2 years ago  (edited)

Synthetic peptide vaccines

"Most existing vaccines are prepared from an attenuated version of the pathogen or from inactivated disease-causing organisms or a suitable part of it e.g. a toxin. However, often the antigen to which the immune system responds is a relatively small number of amino acids or peptide.

A possible alternative approach to immunization would therefore be to identify the peptide sequences that trigger a protective immune response and to use completely synthetic versions of these as the vaccine substance."

"A new study by researchers in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering suggests that coronaviruses may be vulnerable to ultrasound vibrations, within the frequencies used in medical diagnostic imaging.

Through computer simulations, the team has modeled the virus’ mechanical response to vibrations across a range of ultrasound frequencies. They found that vibrations between 25 and 100 megahertz triggered the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and start to rupture within a fraction of a millisecond. This effect was seen in simulations of the virus in air and in water."

“If I added one additional frequency, in a special relationship to the first frequency, I’d be creating more power and have a better chance at landing on the frequency necessary to change the organism,” Dr. Holland says. “When I added the eleventh harmonic, I looked through the microscope and discovered that the microorganism had shattered. It reminded me of how a crystal glass shatters when a soprano hits just the right note.”

"RF carrier: This wave is necessary in order to deliver the frequency wave deeper in to the body."

"These treatments would presumably be safer for patients than many antiviral drugs that can have terrible side-effects. Normal cells should not be affected by the virus-killing lasers or sound waves because they have resonant frequencies much lower than those of viruses, Sankey said.

Moreover, it is unlikely that viruses will develop resistance to mechanical shaking, as they do to drugs."

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