The Dragon Family: The remnants of China’s former Celestial Kingdom of Tartary ruled by a 400 - 800 year old “Golden Dragon” based in the Philippines?

in news •  2 years ago 

"A Chinese Elder named the “Golden Dragon,” is the head of the Dragon Families, is affectionately called “Grandfather. He is over 400 years old and perhaps even as old as 800 years old. He is charged with implementing the Quantum Financial System (QFS) for this Golden Age of Mankind in coordination with the Earth Alliance."

"The Global Currency Reset has become part of the take-down of this illegal US corporate government through formation of the US New Republic, new US Treasury and new US currency notes backed by natural resources and gold of the Royal Dragon Families. The Dragon Families are based in the Philippines and are not connected to, nor claim to be influenced by, the Chinese government."

"The lawsuit describes the owners of the Federal Reserve bonds as follows:

 The Dragon Family is, in fact, a highly secretive and informal organization that operates between old families within China and Taiwan, above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments. [10]

Later in the lawsuit, the “old families” are described as "group of Asians of royal blood known as the Dragon Family” - the remnants of China’s former Celestial Kingdom."

"Prester John was known as the King of the Tartars (Tartaria), King of Asia, King of India, King of the Orient (the East), the Dragon King, the Dragon Emperor, and many more titles, so we have a connection here to Tartary since the dragon was a symbol of Tartary and is on the Flag of Tartary."

"Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary"

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