"First and most mighty,
sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords,
the infinite Nine,
over the other from each
the Lords of the Cycles;"
"NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
forming and changing from out of the formless."
"Then to me spoke HE of NINE saying:
Aeons and aeons have I existed,
knowing not LIFE and tasting not death.
For know ye. O man, that far in the future,
life and death shall be one with the ALL.
Each so perfected by balancing the other
that neither exists in the Oneness of ALL.
In men of this cycle, the life force is rampant,
but life in its growth becomes one with them ALL."
"Spoke again to me the NINE saying:
Seek ye to find the path to beyond.
Not impossible is it to grow
to a consciousness above.
For when TWO have become ONE
and ONE has become the ALL,
know ye the barrier has lifted,
and ye are made free of the road.
Grow thou from form to the formless.
Free may thou be of the road.
Thus, through ages I listened,
learning the way to the ALL.
Now Lift I my thoughts to the ALL-THING.
List ye and hear when it calls."
"Nine are the interlocked dimensions,
and Nine are the cycles of space.
Nine are the diffusions of consciousness,
and Nine are the worlds within worlds.
Aye, Nine are the Lords of the cycles
that come from above and below.
Space is filled with concealed ones,
for space is divided by time.
Seek ye the key to the time-space,
and ye shall unlock the gate."
"Back I came to my body
stood again with the Nine,
listened to the voice of the Cycles,
vibrate with powers they spoke:
Know ye, O Thoth, that LIFE
is but thee WORD of the FIRE.
The LIFE forth ye seek before thee
is but the WORD in the World as a fire.
Seek ye the path to the WORD and Powers
shall surely be thine.
Then asked I of the Nine:
O Lord, show me the path.
Give the path to the wisdom.
Show me the way to the WORD.
Answered, me then,
Through ORDER, ye shall find the way.
Saw ye that the WORD came from Chaos?
Saw ye not that LIGHT came from FIRE?
Look in thy life for this order.
Balance and order thy life.
Quell all the Chaos of the emotions
and thou shalt have order in LIFE.
ORDER brought forth from Chaos
will bring thee the WORD of the SOURCE,
will thee the power of CYCLES,
and make of thy Soul a force that
freewill extend through the ages,
a perfect SUN from the Source.
Listened I to the voice
and deep thanked the words in my heart.
Forever have I sought for order
that I might draw on the WORD."
Ancient Aliens: The Nine Forces from Beyond (Season 11) | History
Ancient Aliens: The Nine Emperor Gods (Season 11) | History