"NEO-NAZI militias in Ukraine are preparing for all-out war with Russia as they arm themselves for the fight against Vladimir Putin's forces."
"Mr. Putin said the operation would aim for the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine,” referring to the Kremlin’s contention that Ukraine’s military threatens Russia and that it is run by neo-Nazis."
"Speaking during a Televised meeting with Russia’s security council the Russian President said it would be easier for him to negotiate with the military than the “gang of Nazis that has captured Kyiv”. This appears to be a reference to the Ukrainian government and raised fears in Western capitals that he is aiming to install a puppet government"
"The “Alliance” is the House of the Black Sun modeled after Hitler’s Alliance (which was their creation) Thule Society, Nazi Party, etc. were their creation. They are attempting a hostile take over for free of the banking system using their arms and legs within the Military and the Agencies world wide. These same people also run the Order of the Assassins which is mostly called the Islamic Calphite (Where Obama Hails From)."
"the Imperial Germans, their Aldebaran allies and how they will play a major role in the coming conflict."
"According to James he also worked for the 4th Reich to help with their agenda ( Which is white supremacy, etc on planet Earth. ) and he said that Germany never lost the war. Instead they went underground."
"The Nazi SS had not been obliterated in World War II, as everyone had been told after the advance of allied armies into Berlin and the May 8, 1945 capitulation of the rump German government led by Admiral Karl Donitz. Instead, the Nazi SS had been successful in establishing remote bases of operations in Antarctica and South America to continue the secret development of flying saucer technologies, which in 1952 began overflights of major U.S. cities to intimidate the Truman administration into capitulating into Nazi SS demands."
"During the war a powerful leader will emerge. It is the webmaster’s belief that this is the so-called Jesus Christ figure, Vishnu Kalki, Third Sargon, Messiah or Avenger. According to the Sajahan Prophecies the Third Sargon or Jesus Christ would emerge from the Land of the Midnight Mountain or Germany. This man would be of pure blood and related to the Ancient Babylonians (Aryan blood). This leader would lead the defense forces against the Russians and pass Judgment on all Mankind."
"The New German Army has weapons and technology that no other state owns (Intervention of the Imperial Germans in Europe and the world)."