What is the RS-28 Sarmat (Satan 2) hypersonic missile?

in news •  3 years ago 

"RUSSIA says its 16,000mph hypersonic ‘Satan-2’ missile which can fit 12 nuclear warheads and could destroy the UK will go into service within a year."

"The RS-28 Sarmat is a liquid-fueled multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle equipped with a super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile. In more simplistic terms, an enormous missile which eventually splits apart to reveal numerous smaller warheads inside. A nuclear Russian doll missile if you will.

NATO has given it the reporting name Satan 2"

"The nuclear weapon, called the RS-28 Sarmat or Satan 2, has been in development since 2009.
Putin claimed the ICBM is "invincible" to missile defense systems."

"The RS-28 Sarmat (Satan 2) is a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile that is currently in development. Commissioned by the Russian Federation in 2010, this weapons system is expected to become operational between 2018 and 2020, replacing the aging R-36M2 Voyevoda"

"Russia recently conducted a test launch of its Satan 2 nuclear missile, which it says is capable of wiping out an entire country with a single strike.

According to the country’s defence ministry, the missile was fired about 500 miles north of Moscow, The Independent reported."

"the RS-28, a super-heavy thermonuclear armed intercontinental ballistic missile. Containing 16 warheads, the Satan 2 delivers a blast of 40 megatons, 2,000 times more powerful than the atom bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. It is capable of wiping out a landmass “the size of Texas or France,” according to a report by the Russian Sputnik news agency."

Russia announces three tests of Putin's 'invincible' new hypersonic 'Satan 2' super nuke capable of wiping out an area the size of England and Wales

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