RE: Today In Stupid - #DeathToAmerica Trends

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Today In Stupid - #DeathToAmerica Trends

in news •  5 years ago 

I find it quite fascinating that you are accusing another country of being "stupid" for their strong reaction against the assassination of the Iranian General by the United States of America acting on President Trump's orders. Now, mind you, I have a very basic and rudimentary knowledge of how politics and diplomacy works but I am certain it is better than your understanding of it.

Let me make it clear that I neither agree with nor deny the "crimes" you so dearly believe that the deceased General is responsible; it might be true, it might not be true. Now, let us analyze the situation.

General Qassem Suleimani is (was) one of the most decorated generals of the Iranian Military force. His status in the country was said to be second only to the President of Iran. He was one of the leading figures of the Middle East in the war against ISIS (who everyone can agree are terrible). Iran and the U.S.A can be said to have a rather tense relationship since even before his assassination considering how Trump vehemently opposed the nuclear deal with Iran. What Trump wants is simple; heavy restrictions against Iran's nuclear program. The U.S.A already considers itself as a "World Police" (more like world bully). In such a situation, in order to dampen Iran's nuclear program, assassinating one of the leading figures in the country is definitely not the right step forward. Whatever crimes that the U.S.A claim he has committed against Americans, no evidence has been provided for it yet. This is just like when the U.S.A claimed Iraq had "nuclear weapons", despite evidence suggesting otherwise, and brazenly invaded and nearly destroyed the country only to find that they were wrong.

Let us not forget that a large number of terrorist organizations in and around the world are basically a handiwork of the C.I.A. and they have no remorse for it whatsoever. The U.S.A have destroyed who knows how many lives around the world due to their aggressiveness and lack of regard for the welfare of other countries and its people. They only care for their benefits, especially at the cost of the others misery. Now, the U.S.A expects Iran to do nothing, quite evident from all their threats, and even expects the country to be thankful for it. LOL.

A simple example to describe the situation would be, someone entering your house and killing your child, claiming that they have committed a heinous act of terror against you without providing any evidence whatsoever, and then expect you to do nothing about it and just sit quietly and rejoice over the death of your child.

I refuse to believe that anyone in the U.S. Government expects that Iran will sit quietly after this incident; no one that dumb should be allowed to head a government. Trump did not even get the approval of Congress before taking this decision which shows how arrogant and brazen he is. The President of U.S.A. definitely took the decision fully being aware of the consequences of his actions and it is only a matter of time before the whole situation escalates into something disastrous.

I find it rich that you are accusing others of being stupid.

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Very well said. Thank you.

While you are certainly correct regarding Iran's reaction to the assassination of Gen. Suleimani, I note that you seem to regard the creation and continuous deployment of ISIS by the US and the West generally as unimportant. Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that ISIS is the means the CIA used to create the incomparable profit center the ME has become for war profiteers. If so, I commend you to the necessary research to ascertain the relevant facts, today matters of public record.


Stupid is as stupid does, so sayeth the sage. Whether or not Suleimani was a terrorist or Iranian hero matters little in a global conflict in which the last President of the USA deliberately assassinated an American child without even an accusation of any criminal act whatsoever. If American President's have been handed such precedent, which, again, is a matter of public record, being surprised that they feel authorized to assassinate foreign military personnel is incredibly naive.

Any presumption of lawful governance is ludicrous. Power is the only limit Trump can be expected to respect.

I never accused another country for being stupid, I accused the MSM along with celebrities of being stupid, maybe try following the rudimentary point of my argument. Of course some people in Iran, especially those loyal to the authoritarian state of Iran, would be fucked off if their top general was blown to tiny bits, any country would be. But then there are all those folks from Iran who were very happy with what Trump did, you know because of those "crimes" you choose to neither accept or deny. Just because someone is popular doesn't make them a good guy, remember how popular Hitler was.

I also don't recall legitimizing the actions taken by the US government in killing the general of another country, that was quiet questionable, again there is unfortunately a lot facts us keyboard warriors don't know, or in your case, choose to accept or deny.

The US has been responsible for some pretty insane shit like the war on terror and let's not forget Libya, but let's rather not argue legitimacy of what the US did in comparison to Iran of all places. I'll use your simple example, it's like being pissed off when someone enters your house and kills your child, when you have been doing that to everyone else around you, but you have also been killing and raping your own kids. Oh shit forgot, you neither agree with nor deny these well established facts that have been happening in Iran for the last 40 years.

You post starts with "Today in stupid". But yes, sure, lie through your face to make yourself feel better and also to have a higher moral standpoint in case you are out of things to counter with. By your logic, the U.S.A. is one of the most popular countries in the world; does not make them 'the good guys'.

The U.S.A has a long and rather outstanding of screwing countries over for the very simplest and childish of reasons. And your so-called "facts", well if they were true, then he should have been declared a 'terrorist' by the biggest terrorists in the world; the C.I.A.

But sure, keep trying to come up with more bogus propaganda articles and then defend them in the most idiotic way possible. That would be trending "Today in Stupid".
Have a nice day :)