Megyn Kelly Exposes Herself as a Robot, Thinks Pepper Spray Is a Food Product

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Howdy, my peoples.

This Megyn Kelly drama with Alex Jones is one of my favorite things going on right now.

She made a serious mistake in trying to set up the King of Media Trolls with a hit-piece.

Now it's gloves off lol

If you needed more proof that Megyn Kelly has no idea what she is talking about let's remember that she thought pepper spray was a food product.


Follow me @shayne

Posted with permission, for your edification and amusement.

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I love me some good trollin!!


This whole situation is just so entertaining to watch play out :D

The only thing she exposed was an even funnier side of Alex Jones! Trolling so perfect, I thought Jones had hired an impersonator that was a ringer.

Pepper spray for food? Now there's an invention.

We need that for ketchup and barbecue sauce

Hilarious checkout when Jones asked David Gergen about the "Bohemian Grove" years ago. Master troll at work.

Megyn (Teleprompter) Kelly sold her souL for a fiat currency that will be worthless in few years maybe less. Awww...D'oh!

Maybe she should have spent less time trying to be pretty, and more time being brilliant. She could take a lesson from Alex. Did she not see the Piers Morgan interview? She's the ultimate bimbo. She's just jealous that Alex has more viewers.