I had a dream - Then woke up

in news •  3 years ago 


Yes it is Martin Luther King pictured.

So my dog got scared by a thunder storm at 5AM and peed on my bed and me. The thunder storms scared her so much she wet herself and me.
My stereo turned on at 5AM also, almost full blast. (power cut)

I switched beds after a bath and will burn the other bed today. (get stuffed eco warriors, you sleep in dog piss not me)

Then I went back to sleep till 6.
That 1 hour "I had a dream" Just like R.I.P. he did.

It was a rather silly dream. I dreamt everyone realised how much they are being shafted by politicians and royalty, you know, freeloaders.

I had a dream people realised voting makes no difference, for if it did it would be banned.
I had a dream people realised money (Fiat) backed by nothing is worth NOTHING.

Then I woke up!

I had a dream.


Germ theory is not "fact" Now I said this to someone online yesterday and they asked what my qualifications are!

I said a farmer. They said I am not qualified to speak then. So I asked what their qualifications are. And it replied a student!

I responded as such.

"I am 55, I have seen many government false flags to protect their crony capitalism. I started my working life in Grand Prix 500cc racing at 17, I have been an engineer making cars to keep people safe. I have owned and run on my own 3 companies, 1 international. I owned my own hi-fi shop. I tried block paving drives for 2 weeks. Tried suspended ceilings and partitions at Cheltenham race course UK for a month. Worked as a quality con-trol engineer too. I now do carpentry, I now do building work on my own houses, I think I am more qualified than you."

How does life experience disqualify me from having a point of view?

We are going backwards as a society with political correctness and ignorant children. We are going backwards with smart devices that listen to everything we say like Alexa.

We are "fact" being data mined and sold as a commodity. And it is only going to get worse.


Everything I said on steemit is coming into play.

Digital ID, cashless society. BUT yes, I am paranoid right???????

You will not be able to fart soon without the gov knowing it. Paranoid? Do me a favour!

Some people are just so damn stupid they would never listen.

Go back over my steemit posts. Even before I sold my account which was if you know started with a D.

I stated as a fact the social credit system that China used would be rolled out worldwide. I stated as a fact that digital ID and a cashless society would be rolled in.

PARANOID? Who was right and who was wrong?

Martin Luther pic is courtesy of cobbcounty.org

Have a superb week, but sometimes listen hey!

You could have stopped this incoming train-wreck society, but oh no you know better because the TV says so.


#Deliberator! That was me, go check my old posts. P.S. TOLD YA SO!

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What says you?

You gettin' us all to the other side....

The other side is better than the con-trol freak side sis from another mother