Robert David Steele, a former marine and CIA officer believes in truth and reconciliation that has the potential to overcome hate and prejudice. He says we have no time for violence of sabotage, but he does want all to be exposed. He is promoting transparency and trust. He wants to educate the 99% and rebuild everything through open source.
He is an activist with a very high level of knowledge and shares his ideas for empowering the people with truth and transparency for everyone. Surprisingly, he has evidence that the local governments are even more corrupt than our federal government. He says local officials have tapped into the bribery take and are giving wealth away.
He suggests that the U.S. government should close all overseas military bases as they are being used for drug and human trafficking and causing turmoil throughout the world.
He advocates open source everything which would give free electricity, clean water, free internet, etc., that would create wealth for everyone everywhere. He is working toward creating a Nano currency that is responsive to the will of the public and out of the hands of governments and banking corruption.
In an open source environment all people would be connected. He discusses the need for intelligence guidance from an ethical and honest perspective instead of the corrupt system that has put the world in a state of mistrust. The people if left to their will once they have truth in education will connect to the intent of peace.
According to Robert David Steele, there is no reason why all sustainable goals cannot be completed and a significant less cost that what has been projected and create “heaven on earth” for everybody.
His plan would cut a 70% reduction in our Federal government budget, and that all those working for the Federal government who lose their jobs should get a year’s salary and a year of retraining in a field or career of their choice. He and others have been trying to get their message to President Trump but are being kept away by those who do not want President Trump to connect with their ideas because they do not want to lose their wealth and the power they have attained through the present system.
He has been trying to make an opportunity for President Trump to learn about the plan he advocates, but he also knows how complex it is to be President and that there are good people in the present system but that they are trapped in a bad system. Instead President Trump is making some bad decisions due to his advisors.