BREAKING: JUL 28 - Terror Attack in Hamburg, Germany - public & personally witnessed footagesteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

I live in Hamburg, we just survived the G20 riots but now, two hours ago a terrorist attacked people in a supermarket with a machete, screaming the ususal religious "allahu akbar" SHIT. So far news is telling he killed one person and injured a few other ones.

EDIT: 26 years old from saudi arabia, imigrated as "refugee"

My home is 400m away, and as helicopters and 20 policecars passed me by, i knew something bad happenend. As a medical helicopter landed nearby, i got really nervous, as he landed 30 m away from the residence of a friend. Thats why i decided to "join" the scence. Upon arriving, the street in front of his house was crowded with military geared cops. I still have no feedback from him after texting him. Ironically he is a cop, and the terrorist got shot (don't know if he is dead) just on the sidewalk of his residence.

Also, there is a radical mosque in that street, one of the most dangerous and WELL KNOWN places (regarding authorities) in northern germany when it comes to radical islamic bastards.

I visit this supermarket frequently.


the terrorist.png

the machete swinging asshole was captured a few hundred meters away, shots were fired.

i took a picture of the police regrouping, helicopters were searching for potential additional threats

obviously some citizens were happier than others, orange in the background: medical heli


40 minutes later all german newschannels got aware

thank you police hamburg! G20 and Terrormanagement!


my thoughts are with the victim and his family. but i also know, that there need to happen other things in germany than just expressing "thoughts".


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It is not well known that Muslims are extemely genetically inbred from marrying close relatives. I wonder if this is the cause of their homocidal pathology. Of course, nothing will be done about it, because that is the Muslim religion. However, the first step in engineering the solution to a problem is to define the problem.

According to Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into Muslim inbreeding, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred:

70% of Pakistanis are inbred.
67% of Saudi Arabians are inbred.
64% of those living in Jordan and Kuwait are inbred.
63% of Sudanese are inbred.
60% of Iraqis are inbred.
54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred.
25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred.
In England, at least 55% of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins.
In Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.
Sennels points out that cousin marriage was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.

this is a scary comment my friend. do you have a link to this study of sennels? i mean, it is questionable that inbred produces violence, but it is unquestionable that the structure and integrity of the DNA in an inbred population decreases over time. this is a fact.

the guy has been captured and authorities say he has a bunch of psychological problems (of course). he came from sweden to germany as a "refugee" form saudi arabia (like this would be a country to accept refugees from right now), as he wasn't allowed to stay there. as germany decided to "send him home", he caught a butcher knife in a supermarket and stabbed a 50 year old man. im so sad that he survived. now our government needs to deal with him, at the cost of the citizens.

but it also was some brave muslims, i guess they were muslims due to the video footage i have, that chased down this prick and threw things like chairs and stones at him. the result is the first picture in the post. the mentioned shots fired were safety shots from the cops to spread out the crowd.

anyway, even if dont have scientific proof yet, your concern is reality and a big problem.
thanks for the time to comment on this

I spent some time on this matter and was unable to find any scientific papers by Sennels. The intent of my comment was to recommend further scientific research into Muslim ideology and their penchant for wholesale homocide in the light of their documented genetic inbreeding.

Most Westerners think that Islam is just another religion where they wear silly hats and have some hygiene problems, but Islam runs very much deeper than that. It is a highly detailed plan for conquest of the world. This sounds crazy, but if you read the Koran, Sira and Hadith you will draw the same conclusion.

Religious delusion is so extensive that it is accepted as scientific fact by most of humanity. Refuting this delusion will reward you with something between torture and death to shunning and ostracism, depending upon the culture you live in.

Perhaps, there is no connection between Islam and genocide/homicide beyond ideology, but I am curious whether Islamic genetic pathology is related to their great talent for mass murder for Allah. Making the connection would scientifically incriminate Islam as chemically inclined murderers, as opposed to inviting them in to destroy you and your whole society under the guise of being just another religion in the brotherhood of man.

thanks for the further infos on that matter. i think the exact same way about the problematic. there were some brave citizens (most likely muslims) who got a price today for civil courage for attacking the terrorist. they said, he yelled "i don't want to hurt you, i just want to hurt christians!". im sick off all this islamic shit, this medieval religion leads to a lack of education and culture, so what stays is fanatism, as there is nothing left for them. these fanatic muslims desperatly try to give reason to their life. but in that environment, there is no reason.

Islam is winning the new conquest* of Western Civilization. The first step to repulsing it is for people to know that there IS a 1400 year old jihad going on and what the horrible consequences of it's success are. All you can do is educate people about the facts...

*See video history map of previous thwarted Islamic conquest of Western Civilization at:

i didnt make any research if the information from bill warner is correct (i mean i know e.g. about the islamic fights in spain), but upon watching the video it seems absolutly true. i mean the jihad is obviously still practiced today, these freaks dont even try to hide their intentions but yelling them out: conquer europe, kill all christians.

you know what? let the cavemen come. the more the modern west is developing its technology, culture and military, the less the fanatic islamic freaks will succeed. we will never defeat this ever growing cancer, but its certainly not lethal and can be cut away to a tiny tumor every single time it tries to grow.

the breakthrough for the world will be the independence from oil as an energy ressource. by then, countries like saudi arabia will lose all power to blackmail the western world in an instant. combined with their lack of education, technology and any other ressources, it will be lights out for the area. take a look at Jemen now, this will be the destiny of the whole fanatic islamic world.

to be a good muslim, you have to pray 5 times a day, follow ramadan and visit mekka once. then you will get rewarded by allah after your death. the focus here is the "life after death". development, education, humantiy and responsibilty for other people are bad things for them.

i mean, you dont have to be a scientist to recognize, that this "culture" will come to an end

just reading the study, we have a serious problem here, i do agree from a scientific point of view

Thanks for the quick reporting on this! I'm at work and usually have new headlines streaming on one of my monitors. No mention of this terror attack though. Even after searching for it specifically, all the results are from foreign outlets. Nothing from American media yet. I wonder why...

well, im still pretty shocked, as it could have been me or my family. this happened around 4 pm berlin time. you might hear from it later on. but if i get you right, you think america is holding these news back for a certain reason?

The American media is so fixated on Trump and Russia that they barely have time to cover anything else. I'm sure they'll eventually cover it, but not in the depth that I think it deserves. Some of it might also be that there's a big push in the media to support taking in more Muslim migrants/refugees - I think they avoid talking about things that might make Americans question whether that's a good idea.

recently europe is an easy target for terrorists. even though IS is encouraging its members to kill each and everyone with knives by posting tutorials containing american! flags (this was just mentioned in the news).

So horrible that these acts are becoming more and more daily events in Europe... our politicians have seriousely fucked up for years ...ignoring the rampant danger of a religion sworn to wipe out all nonbelievers and letting it infest and grow in our communities ... seriousely I just don't get it ...

we need to act. especially germany FUCKED UP with the whole refugee politic, so badly, it hurts me every day. and i dont see any near changes in the future, everything will be status quo, even after our major elections in september.

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wow!! just wow!! Kraemer at the epicenter of current global terror action... such a crazy event.

i would rather be in the woods of northern cali, i mean bears are also dangerours, but unlike terrorists they act with reason!