Charlottesville NC False Flag Cops Stood Down

in news •  7 years ago 

The Alt Right label is a made up term to paint a person as racist Natzi or KKK. This is a CIA term made up to divide and conquer the weakminded dipshits running around mentally naked on knowledge. Jason Kessler put on this event legally to promote white nationalism and the preservation of white people's heritage. Like the removal of Historic White people Statues across America.
All the cops were ordered to stand down, so everyone who went to work that day should be fired and relieved of duty, criminally prosecuted and put in jail.

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BTW, Charlottesville is in VA, not NC and I can't watch the video to comment on anything within it.

From what I heard, it went like this

  1. Group with permit marched to protest statue removal
  2. Mayor told the group to dismiss, which they did
  3. ACLU begins lawsuit charges due to violation of 1st Amendment
  4. Groups of Neo-NAZIs and AntiFa start demonstrating
  5. Police are told to stand down
  6. Protest intensifies
  7. State Police are called in
  8. A car previously owned by an Anarchist rams the AntiFa group.
  9. Arrest is made, but State Police helicopter mysteriously goes down in flames, killing both officers on board
  10. VA Governor announces that 3 people are dead due to Alt-Right Rally.

So, the original permit holding group protesting a political issue, may or may not have had some people in it who started antagonizing a group that, if they didn't show up in the first place, nothing would have happened. But, both groups fighting are fascist socialists and we are suppose to condemn the violence for one, but not the other.

Seems like a setup.