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The normalization of pedophilia is obviously an agenda of the cabal, the left has started already in the 1970's to promote it. Now they just crank up the volume. The deterioration of morals in our society is already at an advanced state. Cannibalism and Satanism is "Entertainment". Now if one considers the hypersexualization of children in kindergarten and the already successful social engineering regarding "gender" it becomes fairly likely that the next generation will live in a very different reality. Old people who know different will get shut up and die off soon anyway, making room for the "Brave New World".

Highly rEsteemed.
A very interesting article.

Oh she got MAD at me! I had one of my rants when I saw her come out with this. No apology tour on that one. I LOVE your Steemit. Your original content is so enjoyable! They are so envious of a community which creates and enjoys all of its own art. What a successful group. I am so glad you have branched out into this.

Thanks for sharing that @sunnyofoz, it's like you're handing me a piece of your courage. Big hugs!

Welcome to the Club ; )

Bacon and eggs.png

Another great piece, Siggie! Good on you for calling this woman out, it's disgusting. You are brave for sharing, it takes some sizable clankers to stand up to sickos like this. 👏 Well done!

Thank you Shoni, you're always so supportive. Big hugs <3

Elizabeth Beck disgusts me. It's one thing for a lawyer to defend a criminal against criminal actions, but to defend any form of pedophilia on an ideological level is simply demonic.