'Every router in America has been compromised' – McAfee on CIA exploits

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians,

Ever wonder how secure and private your wifi really is? I know many of you already knew we were being spied on but I thought this was just some solid reassurance that "Big Brother" is always watching. Its interesting from a psychological standpoint how the population has just accepted the fact none of our information is safe and secure. Apparently the "tinfoil hat wearers" were not that crazy after all.

Its definitely been a gradual acceptance over the years. Maybe its from all the programming in movies and the "endless war or terror" that have made people accept it. Either way it reminds of the Will Smith movie from 1998 called Enemy of the State. If you haven't seen Enemy of the State its definitely worth a watch. Amazing to think that movie is twenty years old. I'm not feeling any younger. lol.

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I totally agree, it is very strange how we have just accepted this infringement on our 4th amendment. Thank Snowden and the likes that there are still good country-loving Americans in our government.
But there's hope. I made a post about decentralized systems, which may be our way to restore our liberty. Check it out below:

Its definitely been a gradual acceptance over the years. Makes me think back at that Will Smith movie from 1998 Enemy of the State. Thanks for sharing your post. I'll check it out and will follow and upvote.

That interviewer just had a huge brain leak at the end of the interview. "We'll certainly be careful where we go online..." What???? She completely missed the point. ALL WIFI, even in your home, is compromised.

Haha yep. All the information is being categorized and stored for "our security" That's a good one.

When it comes to cybersecurity, John McAfee is the one guy who I'd trust. The more I listen to him, the more I learn and think "Holy shit...this guy gets it!"

Definitely agree! Such a crazy world we live in. At least we have steemit and can share this information with each other and get the word out.

Scary indeed to think how brain washed most people are . The question is how do you change there behavior as i am sure most know but don't bother to do any thing about it .