Shutdown From Social Media and Read news

in news •  7 years ago 

Because your time is more valuable than a scroll browser

Finally I've been able to heal myself from 'addicted' to play social media. We all know, social media is just a boon for fun, and the number one killer for productivity. Especially for a Freelancer, and also a remote worker.

I almost have an account in every social media on the Internet. Because the purpose of making social media is to know the news / information. Whether it's news of our friends about what they are feeling / thinking, they read what news, and others.

The question is: Are they important to 'us'?

I'm not an anti-social person, who does not want to hear from a friend, or someone who does not want to follow the information reported by the media.

The question is: Are they important to 'us'?

After we read the status of a friend, and give like or comment, its impact for me and him what?

Much Like or Comments?

Continue also after we read a news, impact it for us what? Pas writing this paragraph, I open the site Continue to get a headline on: 'Pick up Ball', TPS Officers Come to Sick Selector on Pramuka Island. Please read, continue already in read to diapain again?

On share? Parties media get traffic? And of course Adsense?

I also like to social media, I still play Twitter, Instagram, and Devrant. Read the news too I still, I open from HackerNews, TechInAsia, e27, and others.

And I'm really off of Facebook. Open Twitter also if more want, sometimes if tweet via desktop - just tweet - Most if ngetweet too, usually if clay text title - out medium - and I can not read now. If interesting, I tweet. If it matters, I Save to Instapaper.

Okay, we have not got the direction from this writing.

In essence, I'm shutdown from Social Media. The name 'shutdown' can be on 'Turn On' again dong, haha. But baseball for Facebook, like if the UNIX-based terminal I already:

Sudo rm -rf facebook --no-preserve-root

And after I did this, my productivity went up by almost 70%.

Ngoding can be 4+ hours per day - from the usual 3 hours per day, 2 hours ngoding, an hour facebookan haha ​​- And also can be measured from my Todoist Karma.

So how do I manage myself from the Internet?

Likes to read news, mending Subscribe Newsletter

Okay, this is old school. In the present day most rarely play email. Especially after his coming Slack app, which he said killer email. But baseball for me, I type the person who wakes up immediately check email

Check out the new posts from the newsletter I submit, see the job vacancy in Upwork, and more. And news sites that I subscribe only Medium.

Eh, Medium news site generated by user right?

There is no productivity in Social Media

Yups. Even if you use Buffer, Hootsuite, etc. for the reason of "Productivity", productive emang where it? Share one click directly to share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, VK, Stumbleupon, Reddit, etc?

Nobody cares you

Well this is scary. Who cares? Lo make a status about lo glazed lah, what is, etc .. Is a like, retweets, etc. from temen lo ngaruh make lo? Comments that he loves to lo, solve your problem?

Or, status / tweet lo no response? Hmmmm

You are nothing

For media sites, you just make someone who brings traffic. Someone who has potential to see ads on the media site (in case you have no Adblocker in your browser :p)

Neither with social media, and also the privacy killer.

Okay, this is superfluous about the privacy killer.

Alternativeto Social Media

For lo who want to find an alternative to social media is the messaging platform. Yes, if you want to know the news from your friends, etc. just send them a message.

If it's okay and you want to interact

If it turns out to be sick, Can not you go?

Not a prayer on the platform, hahaha.

Alternativeto Read News

Reading emang important, Arabian proverb says Best friends sit is a book. Her twist? Yes, the book is read. News is also read. The news is its temporary nature, lo read the news today, not necessarily that lo read will be the same in tomorrow.

Usually we read the news let plasticity 'cool'. Tau various actual information, and stamped diligent reading. Impact it? Lo plasticity is cool, and lo assessed diligent reading.

Usually we have social media let 'contemporary'. Tau trends are happening, show off something, etc. Impact it? Lo (he said) nge-hits, narcissistic, and show-off: p


Nothing. This is just the writing azan azan dzuhur aja. My core started to stop playing social media (or more specifically play facebook). And also read the news.

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