Why Sweden pays a monthly salary to high school students!

in news •  8 years ago 

Colleges and universities around the world offer scholarships and benefits to students every month or every semester, but Sweden has a very special grant for high school students!

According to Swedish law, the state is obliged to pay a monthly stipend of high school students of 1050 SEK ($ 570). The only condition is that it is 16 years old and all classes are attended by high school. Local students do not have to register for this grant, but foreign school students must do so.

If the student is in boarding school or his family needs a larger grant, he or she will receive another amount, which is either an additional subsidy or an internal grant. The additional benefit is between 285 - 855 Swedish kroner ($ 41 - 123) ) and the internal tuition is between Rs. 1190 - 2350 ($ 172- $ 340) .

Students continue to receive a monthly salary from the age of 16 to the age of 20. This idea is designed to encourage students to study, motivate their activity, and create a sense of responsibility.

In addition, school education in Sweden is free, free meals are provided to all students, students receive laptop computers in the first year of secondary school, books and pamphlets are distributed free of charge, and students can not pay anything unless they vandalize Their objects. The free education is not limited to schools, and academic studies are also free. Did you like Sweden's way of motivating its students? Do you think it is feasible?


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This is absolutely amazing. Love you Swedish govt

It's absolutely criminal that people still even have to pay for education this day in age.


Darn... Now I wish I'd grown up in Sweden XD

They might be taking it to the extreme (free meals, free books, even though they're giving the student's a monthly stipend) but if they can sustain it economically, this is going to increase the chances for those students to succeed immensely.

Monetary stress IS, after all, a very big no-no when it comes to learning... there's lot's of studies on how students who worry about their finances daily perform WAY worse than those whose situations are stable.

Well. It is not a salary (I am from sweden). But it is true that the parent get 1050 kr from the age of 16. When the child is younger (0-16) they get almost the same money.

Every school do not give free computers
Some do - some dont. Most common is that you borrow.

Thanx 4 this post. i need your more help. im going to apply 4 sweden visa can you guide about that