What Pisses Me Off About The Migrant Children Scandal

in news •  7 years ago 

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The modern left's new outrage is the temporary separation of illegal aliens from their migrant children after they attempt to illegally enter the United States of America. Stefan Molyneux breaks down the horrific child abuse that is prevalent in Mexico and among those who attempt to illegally cross the border, and how we know that the left doesn't actually care about children.

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Talk about Climate Change being used for politics and business, immediately the Left shouts ''Think of the Children'' and then vote for post birth abortions and euthanasia. ''People should be killed for the sake of the environment'' but Ban Guns because '' People's lives are valuable ''. Liberalism is a synonym for 'Insanity'. Nonsensical Perverted Failed mutations that echoes anything and everything they hear from CNN and AJ+.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Immigration
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I much approve of this article and video. Thank you for posting.

if we were putting the kids in prison with their law breaking parents the left would be crying about that
it's just artificial rage so they can attack and seem "righteous"