Poloniex Disabled Trollbox to Refocus Support Staff Demand

in news •  7 years ago 

Within the last hour, the Trollbox, the infamous chat section of Poloniex, has been disabled and all moderators were "reallocated" to participate in processing support tickets, as the huge influx of new users has created a bottleneck that has been building for weeks, causing heavy (2+ week) delays in response times for support tickets.

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Is this the end of pump n dump too then ;)

guess they must've heard about steemit articles and comments of poloniex's needs to pay more attention to support tickets.

I read it the first time i logged on to poloniex ... then never again ... what a load of rubbish ... good riddance ... i hope the never bother to bring it back.

I honestly never had a look at the trollbox. There is so much information totally unstructured. Maybe interesting if you can handle it via API calls and proccess the information :-) Did anyone of you ever found useful information there?

I certainly did...sometimes, you had to take everything with a grain of salt....or a handful.