RE: Charlottesville Terror: Live Discussion With Press For Truth

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Charlottesville Terror: Live Discussion With Press For Truth

in news •  8 years ago 

Dan do you know how much refugees get from the government here? I was working with a guy the other day who said he wants to marry a refugee because they get 4-5K per month.

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4-5K per month is an astounding amount and does makes you wonder how much does the govt give to the refugees. I see so many US veterans and citizens that are homeless all over in CA cities and the govt tells us there's never enough money to help these people.

The refugees who come to Canada as GAR's ( Government Sponsored Refugees) Get the same amount as anyone on social services in the province where they live would receive. Refugees who are Sponsored by the private sector or the Private Refugee Sponsorship Program, PSR program, ie. Faith based groups, community sponsors, Groups of five do not receive any funds from the Canadian Government. The churches or groups who sponsor them are responsible for all their basic living expenses including living accommodations, food, furniture, etc. for a period of at least one year or until they become self sufficient. It is documented that the Private Sponsorship Program is more successful in terms of resettlement and self sufficiency then the Government Sponsorship program. although the Government is trying to take over the PSR program. It do not make sense for the government to not support this program . The PSR program do not cost tax payers any money and the refugees are mentored by people who become friends for years.