Elite Now Bragging About Using Penis Skin Taken from Babies to Make Their Faces Look Younger

in news •  7 years ago 

By Matt Agorist

 Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock have made headlines  recently by revealing their ‘secret’ to maintaining young and healthy  looking skin. The duo have nicknamed the procedure the ‘Penis Facial’  due to the fact that the serum used in the process is derived from the  foreskin of Korean babies. 

Known officially as the Hollywood EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor)  Facial, so-called penis facials have earned the nickname not just  because the process smells like sperm, but because it requires a serum  derived from the cells of the foreskin of newborn babies. What’s more is that not only are they publicly admitting to the use  of mutilated baby penis parts to look younger, but they are celebrating  it. 

On Thursday, Bullock went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why she’s so happy about this treatment and to explain the reason it has been called the ‘Penis Facial.’

 As if to imply babies across an ocean don’t matter as much as babies  here, the serum, Bullock tells DeGeneres, is “an extraction from a piece  of skin that came from a young person far, far away.” 

However, Ellen bluntly pointed out, that it is indeed derived from the “foreskin from a Korean baby.”  

In an interview in Vogue magazine last month, Blanchett raved about  the ‘Penis Facial’ too, as she callously admitted that she doesn’t even  know what it is. “Sandra Bullock and I saw this facialist in New York, Georgia Louise, and she gives what we call the penis facial,” Blanchett told Vogue Australia

 “It’s something — I don’t know what it is, or whether it’s just cause  it smells a bit like sperm — there’s some enzyme in it so Sandy refers  to it as the penis facial.”

 In an interview with People Magazine, the inventor of the treatment, Georgia Louise explains, “EGF is derived from the progenitor cells of the human fibroblast taken from Korean newborn baby foreskin – which helps to generate collagen and elastin.”

 Bullock jokingly explained that she loves the treatment and pointed out the obvious. “It’s not like I’m lying there with little pieces all over my face,”  she laughs. “I call it the penis facial. And I think when you see how  good it is to your face, you too will run to your local facialist and  say, ‘give me the penis.’”

 “It started last year when Sandra Bullock was filming in NYC and came  to see me for a deep cleansing and long-lasting facial glow,” Louise  explains.

 “Within weeks her make-up artist, Whitney, and cast mates  wanted to know what was the cause of her amazing, long-lasting glowing  skin … and from that moment onwards the Hollywood EGF Facial was born!”

 Aside from the depravity of laughing about and celebrating using  penis skin from babies to look younger, the science behind the  procedure—consisting of a handful of studies including one in 2007another in 2009, and this one in 2016—is  funded and researched by the people in the skin care industry which  means the little bit of perceived benefit is likely just an act of  biased science. In spite of the lack of evidence that this treatment works, foreskincare use is on the rise.

 “I have text threads which would blow your mind from celebs, asking for the ‘penis treatment’ all the time now!” Louise explained. 

Those stars seeking this penis facial treatment publicly include Katy  Perry, Alexander Wang, and Anna Wintour. “Georgia is a miracle worker,”  Emma Stone is quoted on their client list. 

“The best facialist in the  world!” Gucci Westman raved. Although the process involves cloning the cells of the foreskin to  reproduce the serum, the fact that it relies on a process like  circumcision is brutally inhumane and laughing about it like it’s some  trendy new fad speaks to the nature of the Hollywood elite. 

For those who may be unaware, circumcision is an unnecessary procedure  that is painful and can lead to complications, including death. Not a  single organization in the world currently recommends it, yet it  continues to happen based on societal norms stemming back to utterly  horrifying religious practices. 

As Dr. Christlane Northrup, MD points out, circumcision  was introduced in English-speaking countries in the late 1800s to  control or prevent masturbation, similar to the way that female  circumcision—the removal of the clitoris and labia—was promoted and  continues to be advocated in some Muslim and African countries to  control women’s sexuality. Circumcision’s ancient roots are just as  disturbing. When a baby is circumcised, an anesthesia cannot be used because of  the dangers of the interactions in an infant. 

So, they are strapped to a  table while screaming out in agony as the most sensitive part of the  male anatomy is barbarically removed from their body. As Americans cheer on the wars in the Middle East lambasting the few  areas in the Muslim community who carry out the barbaric act of female  circumcision, the American elite are using the foreskin from male babies  as a means of looking younger—and they’re loving it.

 Now, this horrific process has become so mainstream that celebrities  are bragging about using the products derived from the procedure. Just  to put this into perspective, imagine for a moment that celebrities  began bragging about rubbing serum on their faces derived from female  circumcision, do you really think that they’d be laughing? Probably not. 

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Why people are becoming like this day by day!!!
Sometimes, I hate myself to be born in this era and as breathing under same sky. And sharing the same air with these people.

This is so pathetic,

If I was making as much money as they do, and my face was a big part of making that money as theirs are, I would use what ever procedure necessary to maintain it. However, they shouldn't go on TV and talk about it. Its disgusting and opens the doors to a MASS MARKET OF BABY FORESKINS WTF..

Really disgusting news to hear lol

This is really disturbing.
How can someone cheer on something like this..?
If its the skin of their babies they would instantly change their minds..