Killer Mike, Bill Maher Call Out Gun Control Hypocrisy, If Trump is ‘Hitler’ Why Give Him All the Guns?

in news •  7 years ago 

By Matt Agorist

 As TFTP reported in 2015, Run the Jewels co-founder, Killer Mike is no fan of gun control. Three years ago, he voiced his opinion  about the Charleston shootings, saying that he wishes that members of  the church were armed so they could have prevented the shooting.  Although his comments drew criticism from many of his fans, he refused  to back down, and this week, he went on Bill Maher’s show to make  another powerful point about gun control. 

If you’ve ever watched Bill Maher, you know that he’s nothing short  of controversial. He’s known for his strict liberal views and staunch  support for the current administration. Here at the Free Thought Project we understand that two party system  is little more than a boxing match in which both fighters are owned by  Don King. 

That being said, there is much more ground to disagree on with  Bill Maher than there is to agree. However, in order to incite peaceful  change, we give credit where credit is due. 

During a conversation with Killer Mike, Maher called out the left’s  hypocrisy on gun control, noting how you can’t be both against the  establishment while at the same time, advocating that only the  establishment have guns. 

“One of the problems gun people have with liberals talking about  guns is that liberals don’t know what they’re talking about when they’re  talking about guns,” Maher said. “At all,” Killer Mike replied. 

Maher and Mike then proceed to point out that the left does not  mention what happens during and after the government attempts to remove  guns from society. 

They also completely ignore the fact that criminals  do not obey laws and making guns illegal would have zero effect on  criminals possessing guns. Ironically enough, those calling for taking guns from citizens are  often times the ones most critical of police killings and the ones who  refer to the current president as a tyrant. 

How, exactly, they  rationalize disarming the citizens and having only police, who kill far more people  than gun owners, and the tyrants, to be the sole possessors of guns, is  a mystery. And, Killer Mike and Maher aptly call them out for it. 

“You’re saying to a population of people [Trump] is a tyrant.  You’re living under tyrannical times. And you’re comparing him to Adolf  Hitler. When you say that to my community, I must take it seriously,” says Mike. “I’ve been saying for a long time Donald Trump is bringing  fascism to this country. If you really believe that Donald Trump is an  authoritarian leader capable of using force to suppress the opposition, I wonder if liberals are going to be rethinking their opinions about guns a little bit,” Maher said. 

It’s not just liberals who are way off on gun control either.  

Republicans have their own share of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. Indeed, Radley Balko sums up the mental gymnastics of both parties  perfectly in regard to the distorted realities held as “truth.”   

In an interview with Reason Magazine several years back, Killer Mike pointed out the necessity of citizens to be armed. 

“I do worry about my gun being taken. I do worry about these  roadblocks that are popping up for DUIs illegally, these checkpoints in  my community. I worry about that. We’re promised not to be treated like  that domestically. We’re promised that our police cannot act like the  military does. But we have allowed not only military machines but  military tactics. We’re funding local municipalities with drug raids,” Killer Mike told Reason. 

The next time your friends try to tell you that citizens should be  disarmed, tell them what that really means; they only want government,  who has a history of racism and violence, who kill indiscriminately,  with zero accountability, and far more often, to be the ones with guns. 

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Maher used to be good when he had the Politically Incorrect show, but he's too far into the Hollywood leftist establishment now.

In my country all gun owners were called upon to hand in their guns to local police stations and then to own a gun one had to have proof of lessons in handling a firearm, get a reference about your character, proof of residence and certified Identity documents and finger prints.
All my friends and family duly obeyed . Yet daily there are reported murders at gunpoint by criminals who have stolen or home made firearms. Quite honestly, I wish I had a gun. I have been held up at gun point and obviously it wasn't my time to leave this earth.

Liiks like, everyone wants to see western movies in real life. Carry your gun. Alive as long as you never met someone faster than you are.

@tftproject actually this invention (guns) is taking all of humans toward to a world full of hate and now the youth is became very stress in order to many reasons,we have to participate in socities to avoide these type of things which have very dangerous result in future.#save humanity

Gun control is a hot topic issue, but government control, or reinstating guildelines for the police and military is an issue being ignored by MSM.
When does that discussion start.

I think Maher is a liberal pawn but they are right on here. Any form of gun control is technically unconstitutional.

We also need to be looking at the individuals that make the decision to kill with guns, not the guns themselves. Brazil and South Africa have much worse murder rates and guns are illegal there.

I agree with Mike here about the fascism - but what I bet they didn't allude to is that every president since Jimmy Carter has been implementing fascism into our government.

12 year old kid from Cleveland shot dead because he played with an air/pellet gun outside. No cops were even charged, they gave him no chance to even put his hands in air, they just rolled up and shot him. Department knew the cop who did shooting was mentally ill but kept him on anyway.
Seriously consider this question: If all guns were made illegal and collected by police, do you really think there would be less, or MORE kids and other innocent people being shot dead by the police?