An Overview of the German Political Parties and my predictions for the Federal Election 09-24-2017

in news •  7 years ago 

The following shall present an overview of the German political landscape. Many Americans cry for Merkel to not be chancellour again. However they don't know the alternative: Martin Schulz.


Every party that gains over 5% will be part of the parlament. I won't go to deep into the details of how the election process in Germany works and just present you the numbers and a quick summary of our 6 major political parties and why I vote for none of them.


The Christian Democratic Union is the conservative Party in Germany. Angela Merkel has seen a lot of flag from the party base because she is obviously very left-wing. With her "open borders" politic and actions like setting an earlier exit date for nuclear energy, she does have a lot of critics, but no real competitor.

I am no conservative so I don't vote for them. However modern conservatism is something that does make a lot more a sense to me lately.


Social Democrats.... they are like Bernie Sanders but more obviously corrupted. We had an SPD chancellour Gerhard Schröder once and while he kept true on the promise to not go into the Iraq war, he put in place the worst job market reforms Germany has ever seen (Agenda 2010). This betrayal of the German workers led to the SPD bleeding voters.

Their current Chancellour nominee is Martin Schulz. A foul being. He said Trump would undermine "our transnational values". I will translate his reaction to Trumps Precidency on my Youtube channel soon and you will see: If you hate Merkel, you will go ape-sh*t over Schulz.


Liberals or Free Democrats, but in the true libertarian way. They fell out of the political landscape for a few years because they only made politics for big corporations and had leadership problems. Nowadays they seem to embrace some Libertarian statements from the American movement and that helps to put them over the 5% barrier.

They might call themselves Libertarian, but we have seen time over time who the FDP is actually lobbying for - the 1%.

Die Linke

The Left has formed a couple of years ago from left-wing SPD-Member and arguably some who say that it was not that bad in the socialist DDR.

In the beginning they were quite interesting to me. They advocated to exit the EU and stronger borders! But that has all gone now for woman quotas and the usual leftist bs. Wagenknecht is smart and pretty hot, but not enough to make me vote for them.


The Alternative for Germany. They started out as an outspoken anti-EU party that also advocated for stronger borders.

They still are for stronger borders, but right now they are way to busy talking about how evil the islam is, white genocide and all that stuff. I don't judge people for wanting to preserve culture, but I don't really like the German culture, at least the parts of it that are most commonly embraced (Volksmusik, Oktoberfest und Christlichkeit)

Die Grünen

The Greens are warmongering vegans, who have forsaken their roots a long time ago. Do I need to elaborate?

Merkel will win!

There is no doubt about that. I actually do like Merkel as a personality and I hope right now that she might be able get rid of the big coalition (CDU+SPD) that is destroying our country right now and is able to reign as a classic yellow-black (FDP+CDU) coalition. The social democrats have just gone way too crazy (once again) and need to be stopped from any influence on actual politics. However I won't support that process, because it is after all just the less of two evils and I will keep my voice (The German translation for vote = "Stimme" = voice).

Tell me what would you vote for if you would live in Germany, is there a party you want to know more about?

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I think AfD will get more than 10%, and i hope Grüne (green communists) will get less than 5%!

I knew little of German political parties prior to this post (and reckon I still know little, despite now knowing this much), so appreciate your post.

As for me, I, like you said, would be unable to support the parties you have mentioned, and know of no alternatives. I guess I'd abstain from voting if there aren't alternatives that better represent the rights of sovereign individuals and seek to extricate us from the tentacular grasp of the banksters and their political machinations.


Really glad to hear you liked it. I hoped people would see why I don't vote even though there are so many parties.

Thanks for stopping by, there is much to talk about the history of the german parties but the TL;DR is that it is a huge shitshow...

Presently I am glumly of the mind that most of what has been called politics and news has just been such a shitshow all of my life.

Ich finde du lässt ein bisschen arg deine eigene Meinung in die Präsentation der Parteien einfließen und stellst die deutsche Politik nicht ganz so da wie sie eigentlich ist.

Das stimmt wohl :). Es sollte mehr ein Kommentar als eine sachliche Analyse sein. Tatsächlich finde ich auch die Entwicklung der SPD, von der sich historisch immer radikale Linke abgespalten haben, ziemlich spannend. Vielleicht mache ich mal einen langen sachlichen Artikel zum Thema, aber das hier sollte nur eine kurze Übersicht sein und natürlich bin ich arg unzufrieden mit der Situation im Allgemeinen als Nicht-Wähler.

Aber sonst ziemlich guter Post ist immer schön die Meinung von anderen zu den verschiedenen Politischen Parteien und Politiken zu hören.

was vielleicht noch erwähnenswert ist, dass ich Merkel als Person keineswegs verachte.

ist ein älteres Ding von mir. Wen wählst du eigentlich? Keine Sorge ich kann grundsätzlich jeder politischen Gesinnung auch was gutes abgewinnen.

Als Kandidat weiß ich noch nicht aber als Partei wahrscheinlich die FDP, ich bin für die ganzen liberallen und innovativen Ideen die sie haben. Ihr Inhalt spricht mich am meisten an.

Joa kann ich verstehen. Ich finde Liberalismus grundsätzlich auch nicht verkehrt. Ich traue der FDP nur nicht.

So gesehen kannst du keiner Partei trauen ausser der AFD da weißt du dass sie scheiße baut.

Wenn irgendwann mal irgendein Wahlversprechen eingehalten werden würde, wäre ich auch nicht so skeptisch.

Sieht man ja auch bei Trump. Verspricht Frieden mit Russland und non-intervention im Wahlkampf. Verschärft dann aber Sanktionen gegen Russland, schmeißt Bomben auf Syrien und droht NK mit Krieg...

Du musst mal Obama 2008 Wahlkampf reden hören, wie der damals mit Banken, Wall Street und Kriegstreibern abrechnen wollte...

Ich unterstütze niemanden der versucht mich zu verarschen und wenn Politiker parallel 13 Jobs als Vorstandsvorsitzende in diversen Firmen haben, dann weiß ich wer wirklich Politik macht.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ich denke, da plapperst Du die übliche AgitProp nach.
Scheiße haben bisher nur die Kartellparteien (inkl. FDP) gebaut.

Interresant der alte Artikel, ich finde auch das Merkel eine beeindruckende Person ist doch sie macht auch Fehler. (Ich meine nicht dass mit den Flüchtlingen, sondern den Umgang mit Innovation)

Hi brother I am following now !! Thanks for all your info.