Harvey Weinstein's habit of abusing vulnerable women was such an open secret that 30 Rock joked about it.

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Don't believe the scores of Hollywood types who are claiming that they are 'shocked' and 'appalled' at hearing of Hollywood puppet-master Harvey Weinstein's predatory habits. It was an open secret around Hollywood, so much so that even Tina Fey wrote a joke about it on her show 30 Rock:

Sadly, this appears to be similar to the case of Bill Clinton, Roger Ailes, Bing Crosby and (across the pond) Jimmy Savile, in that powerful men feel their godlike status entitles them to have any way they please with ambitious young actresses attempting to climb up the ladder. To reject Harvey Weinstein's advances, or to try to expose his crimes, would be an act of career suicide. This is how they always get away with it.

As one of his victims, Lauren O'Connor, bravely wrote in her memoir:

I am a 28 year old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64 year old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10.

Weinstein's crimes span at least three decades, and eight separate cases were paid-off by Weinstein before they could go to court. For at least 30 years, the most powerful man in Hollywood probably forced himself onto every attractive actress under the age of 35, barely even trying to conceal his behaviour (another settlement is no big deal for a man of his wealth). How many people directly knew about his crimes? Hundreds, or thousands? And yet, he continued unabashed for so long.

This is what frustrates me when people laugh about things like Pizzagate; we have so much evidence of powerful figures using their influence for sexual coercion and getting away with it for so long. Would it really hurt to look at the evidence with an open mind, for once? Do we not owe this to the victims of sexual abuse everywhere?

Across the pond in the UK, those who accused Jimmy Savile from the start were dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' and ridiculed. And exactly the same thing is happening with former Prime Minister Ted Heath at the moment.

We need to stop throwing the 'tin foil hat' slur around and accept that there are countless examples of extremely powerful men who committed seemingly unthinkable sexual crimes and never faced justice.

If Weinstein could silence the whole of Hollywood for thirty years, what could Washington elites like John Podesta and Bill Clinton be capable of?

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this guy definitely a pedo too...everyday another one is taken down

And this is just the tip of the ice berg, because the pedophilia going on in Hollywood has been known about just as long. Of course, nobody would listen to Corey Feldman about it.

Try to imagine if a conservative got accused of this. We’d be getting non stop 24/7 coverage on CNN and MSNBC right now and there’s virtually no chance Weinstein will ever go to trial, let alone do any jail time. The double standard here is disgusting.

I must admit.... I’m surprised the media has been covering it as much as they have been.

Another good question is why now? After decades of silence? I wrote something about it here: https://steemit.com/life/@hrock/on-the-sudden-exposure-of-sex-crackpot-hollywood-producer-harvey-weinstein-why-now

The rich go go rehab meanwhile the poor go to jail.