The Syrian Gas Attack and How we Know It Was a False Flag Attack

in news •  8 years ago 

Lets jump right into this... I'am sorry this may be hard to read and watch but you need to know the truth. Someone is lying to us, just to start another War.
like this..?

This Information is From The CDC - [ ] What is sarin?

Sarin is a human-made chemical warfare agent classified as a nerve agent. Nerve agents are the most toxic and rapidly acting of the known chemical warfare agents. They are similar to certain kinds of insecticides (insect killers) called organophosphates in terms of how they work and what kind of harmful effects they cause. However, nerve agents are much more potent than organophosphate pesticides.
Sarin originally was developed in 1938 in Germany as a pesticide.
Sarin is a clear, colorless, and tasteless liquid that has no odor in its pure form. However, sarin can evaporate into a vapor (gas) and spread into the environment. - (Ahh so why did we see weird green gas coming out of peoples mouths?? CGI possibly?)
Sarin is also known as GB.

{Immediate signs and symptoms of Sarin exposure}
People may not know that they were exposed because sarin has no odor.
(Well the first man seen in the video said he knew they were hit with gas because he could smell the gas, some other lady said she could not smell the gas but the air was heavy..)
People exposed to a low or moderate dose of sarin by breathing contaminated air, eating contaminated food, drinking contaminated water, or touching contaminated surfaces may experience some or all of the following symptoms within seconds to hours of exposure:
Runny nose - (none of those kids had a runny nose?)
Watery eyes - (Hmm no one seems to have watery eyes either?)
Small, pinpoint pupils - (Who knows, we hardly saw any Doctors or Military Men checking their eyes.. and I know people will argue cause when we saw the Syrian people in the Hospital and their eyes were pinpoint, but there is a very cheap fluid that can make this happen, optometrist use it everyday, works in seconds to minutes.. )
Eye pain - (Didn't see a single person rubbing their eyes)
Blurred vision - (Maybe but everyone was to busy playing dead or died from something else...)
Drooling and excessive sweating - (Out of all the people we saw in the video did you see anyone drooling or sweating)
Cough - (We did see some coughing but wouldn't you cough too if you were told you'd be payed?) (Also can someone tell me if they noticed CGI affects with the coughing??)
Chest tightness - (Did you see anyone trying to grab or hold their chest because of tightness? It would look simulair to the way someone would hold their chest if they are expeirencing a heart attack, and when you die like that your hands stay over your chest or body found in fetal position.. I didn't see anything like that.. People looked relaxed as the layed on the ground..?)
Rapid breathing - (Anyone we saw seemed to have very shallow and very slow breathing)
Diarrhea - (Sorry for the french but we didn't see any shit stains..)
Nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain - (Huh we didn't see any vomiting, or anyone grabbing their stomaches??)
Increased urination - (Cant say for sure, everyone was just being sprayed with hoses...)
Confusion - (Again who would know all the "effected civilans" were laying down and appeared to just be dead)
Drowsiness - (Well it looked like some were having a nap..)
Weakness - (Ehh we can say they had some weakness)
Headache - (No way to know for sure)
Slow or fast heart rate - (Anyone that made it to the hospital didn't seem to be hooked up to any heart monitors, but again who knows for sure)
Low or high blood pressure - (cant say for sure from any of the videos)
Even a small drop of sarin on the skin can cause sweating and muscle twitching where sarin touched the skin. - (Didn't see any of that)
Exposure to large doses of sarin by any route may result in the following harmful health effects:
Loss of consciousness - (We did see many people with a loss of consciousness and many who didn't)
Convulsions - (Here's the big one, we didn't see a single person with Convulsions...)
Paralysis - (Is the loss of the ability to move, also causing stiffness in the muscles, everyone seemed very limp)
Respiratory failure possibly leading to death - (We might have seen dead people we might not have, people were breathing though)
Showing these signs and symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has been exposed to sarin.
How people can be exposed to sarin
Following release of sarin into the air, people can be exposed through skin contact or eye contact. They also can be exposed by breathing air that contains sarin.
Sarin mixes easily with water. Following release of sarin into water, people can be exposed by touching or drinking water that contains sarin. - (So why would we wash all those people off in the same area all your doing is mixing it more and are likely to cause more contamination..?)
Following contamination of food with sarin, people can be exposed by eating the contaminated food.
A person’s clothing can release sarin after it has come in contact with sarin vapor, which can lead to exposure of other people. - (All the people exposed and treated should have had their clothes put into bags so further contamination would be less likely)

Because sarin vapor is heavier than air, it will sink to low-lying areas and create a greater exposure hazard there.

  • (Alright now the biggest sign to this as a false flag attack.. No one was covering their mouth with anything, a simple cloth would have made me believe this more.. Why were none of the rescue team wearing a gas mask or any kind of protective clothing?? I understand most people would not have access to this, but the military men and doctors would.. If this was a true gas attack we would have seen the protective gas mask and suits for this incident)
    We didn't see a single protective suit, I can say military men most likely had a suit fit for a chemical attack but not a single one wore a mask?? And don't tell me they don't have one, there is a mask in every military mens bag ready to go at anytime, for almost any kind of attack..
    Ron Paul Says Syria Gas Attack Could Be False Flag

Now Watch this Video from - EXPOSED TRUTH

Thanks for reading. Stay Safe~Stay Woke
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I discussed this subject with several others much more familiar with these forms of attacks and they corroborate that the emergency workers would have certainly been incapacitated themselves on contact in much more scientific terms.

Yes exactly!! Thank you for your input, it means a lot. I just don't know how people can watch the news clips and not think to themselves "Why are the people helping not wearing any sort of protective gear" THAT MAKES NO SINCE TO ME! I have some military family and I know for sure they would not go to an area attacked by chemicals without the proper protection, Lives in danger or not if your not safe you can't save someone else!

Sarin gas is truly awful stuff too, specifically. Just look at who develops it...