Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) was an American politician, scientist and inventor considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Being the fifteenth child of a total of 17, his training was limited to basic studies. From a very young age (at age 10) he would start working in all kinds of jobs, which led him to a printing press with 12 years. That's where he wrote his first lyrics, his only poems. A short time later he founded the first truly independent newspaper of the British colonies, the "New England Courant", where he published quite critical newspaper articles about the rulers of the time. After a few years he would buy the newspaper "Pennsylvania Gazette", which he published until 1748.
As he began to write his autobiography at a fairly early age (at 40), a lot of data and details about his life are known. Thus, it is known that he participated in the founding of the first public library in Philadelphia, which was part of the freemasons, who participated in the founding of the University of Pennsylvania and the first hospital in the city. In addition, he was a ranklin was a prolific scientist and inventor: the lightning rod, Franklin furnace or Pennsylvania chimney, bifocal lenses, one of the first flexible urinary catheters or the odometer, are among his many inventions.
The life of one the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, all of them political leaders and statesmen who participated in the American Revolution by signing the Declaration of Independence of the United States, participating in the War of Independence, and establishing the Constitution of The United States would finally end up under the influence of pleuritis, aggravated by obesity and a psoriasis that had always accompanied it.
We leave you with some of his most famous phrases:
"Tell me and I forget it, show me and I remember it, involve me and I learn it".
"He who prides himself on his knowledge is as if he were blind in the full light."
"Recognized honesty is the surest of oaths."
"Do you love life? Do not waste time because it's the substance it's made of. "
"The heart of the madman is in the mouth; but the mouth of the wise is in the heart. "
"He who loves himself has no rival."
"Headlights are more useful than churches."
"Investing in knowledge always produces the best benefits."
"Happiness is not produced by great strokes of fortune, which occur rarely, but by small advantages that occur every day."
"The way to see by faith is to close the eye of reason."
"Laziness goes so slowly that poverty does not take long to reach it."
"The three most difficult things in this world are: keeping a secret, forgiving a grievance and taking advantage of time."
"Do not change health for wealth, nor freedom for power."
"There is no investment more profitable than knowledge".
"Only the honest man is capable of confessing his faults and of recognizing his mistakes