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I'm really happy to hear you are getting rid of your amazon link. We seriously need to stop shopping at these places. Yes you might pay a little more somewhere else, but it's worth it to keep your soul.

Amazon is one of the most expensive sites to buy from.They charge huge seller fees and sellers pass that onto you.

we need to just abandon the doll lair entirely, then jump off the pirate ship and laugh in their face if they ever try it again

Amazon could be challenged by a similar site built on the blockchain.There are few startups already like Openbazaar,but it lacks of important features and full of bugs.But if someone come up with a multi-vendor blockchain (no fees charged since you don't feed the owner,because there is none 😊) that would be a gamechanger.

Jeff Bazos is a true sociopath. Can you imagine actually having to power to end world hunger, feed and clothe the homeless, wipe out all of our nations student debt, provide health insurance for every American and still have money left over?

I can’t even take my family to the movies without making a sacrifice here or there.

So true.

I just did a venn on Amazon recently, too:

absolute power corrupts absolutely

Jimmy Dore on Dtube? My need for ranting realness has been fulfilled. x x x

You're hosting Dtube as well? Incredible support from you guys! This is so awesome man..

Amazing video. Thank you for continuously covering Bezos and Amazon, it's such an important subject.

Happy to see you here on dtube Jimmy & Co.! Glad to hear you let go of that amazon link...kudos! Yes please to a piece on Cynthia Nixon as I’d love to hear what your thoughts and her words.

The Hamptons are low lying but where are the bunkers?

Oh and, welcome on the blockchain. Its nice here. We have cookies. And cocain on the ass of a prostitute.

In the universe? Doubtful.Even the visible universe (aka whats been close enough to us for its light to be able to reach us in the time that star existed) there are many, many suns, planets and what not. Money -aka didgets on a computer - is liquid power. But in a civilisation a mere 50 years of good scientific work ahead of us, even the poorest would have more power than this guy. Feed the world? No problem, just send the nanobots to collect nutrients from wherever and 3D print a few protein sequencisers or whatever... Throwing money at it might be sufficient or it might not be. At some population it definatly wouldnt be - sure, you might have enough money to pay for 50% more than is globaly consumed of ressource X. But if we cant produce ressource X at that ammount, youll end up with the same amount, only that you have raised the price by 50%. Now, im not saying his money wouldnt be helpful at all. I am all for taxation, universal healthcare or an unconditional base income. But we still shouldnt overlook that if you buy something, it affects the economy which in turn effects what you can buy.

“Revolution is impossible until it's inevitable”― Leon Trotsky

I did taxes for a guy who used to work at Amazon's management department. The amount of crap he had to put up with was unbearable to the point where he had to find another job. And this was the MANAGEMENT part of it. If this is what the lower managers had to go through, I'm afraid at what the workers would have to go through.

Jimmy Dore on Dtube? My need for ranting realness has now been taken care of. :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Hey, great video! Would you mind checking out my channel and letting me know if you think its good?

Bezos needs to pay his fair share!

I've been hearing numerous talking heads talk about Social Security running out. Bullshit! Just remove the social security tax caps, and make rich assholes pay their fair share.

Did you know the cutoff for social security tax is $127,200? If you make $127,200 you owe 6.2% of that in taxes, or $7886.40. But if you're Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon and richest man on earth, you made $40 Billion dollars last year, and you only had to pay $7886.40 in social security taxes, or .0000005% of his total pay.

Seems fair that you have to give up a notable 6.2% chunk of your pay, and Bezos and other billionares pay a half a millionth of a percent of their massive wealth that could feed and house the world just on the interest alone.

Our tax money pays for Amazon. If we don't shop there, we're wasting our tax money, right?
Socialism for the rich...feudalism for the rest of us.

There should be no corporate taxes. The corporate tax rate just sets the budget for bribing the politicians. The taxes they can't eliminate through corrupt laws giving them an unfair advantage we pay when we purchase their products at an increased price. On top of that we pay more state and local taxes because they tax on the price inflated by the corporate tax. Maybe when people realize that everything costs 30% more than it has to, they will quit sending the same tax and spend corrupted morons to DC.

Welcome to Steem Jimmy, Ron, Stef, and the entire gang at The Jimmy Dore Show!

I'm so happy you guys are now on steem! There are dozens of different apps being built for the steem blockchain every week, so if more high profile entertainers convert from youtube, the sooner we can replace facebook, twitter, youtube, and more with steem-based apps and sites!

I'd never bother to comment on your youtube vids, but I'm looking forward to interacting more on these platforms!

Be sure to have your tech persons set you up to do your livestreams on also.