STEEMIT Videos: What will streaming do for the platform?

in news •  7 years ago 

Authors Opinion:
To begin with, we must do an in-depth analysis of the mainstream video sharing websites. The biggest one, Youtube, has 'beefed' up advertising and has notably removed more and more funding over the years for content creators. If Steemit markets itself in a way that promotes supporting content creators; we may see a sudden rise in the Steemit video streaming category.

The addition of video streaming, if marketed correctly, will rapidly increase the user-base of Steemit.

Hey, it's just a thought! I'd love to hear from ya'll about your specific opinions.

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currently, youtube content creators are desperate to find another platform other than youtube. All we need is a handful of good content creators that are vocal about the platform to draw people in. so I think adding videos to steemit it could draw in alot of people.