Daily Rabbit Hole #127 | Elon Musk DELETES SpaceX and Tesla's Facebook pages

in news •  7 years ago 

It appears billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk is taking #deletefacebook seriously. During a tweetstorm on Friday, Musk nonchalantly erased Tesla and SpaceX's Facebook accounts. The abrupt move came after a Twitter user urged him to delete his company's accounts from the world's most popular social media platform.




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rameerez Javi Ramirez tweeted @ 23 Mar 2018 - 19:07 UTC

Don't freak out, but Facebook is keeping an updated copy of your entire phone Contacts info, including every nickna… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

dylanmckaynz Dylan McKay tweeted @ 21 Mar 2018 - 08:04 UTC

Downloaded my facebook data as a ZIP file

Somehow it has my entire call history with my partner's mum https://t.co/CIRUguf4vD

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Start the exodus! lol

Seems he would fit in well here on steemit

With this I can see that The Babylon is falling. I pity facebook.

I only pity the people using fakebook and other highly questionable platforms who’ve had their data collected beyond their wildest dreams. The ideas they come up with at Fakebook makes me really wonder what ulterior motives might be in the works. For instance it censors conservatives but wants people to send in nudes for some weird scheme to “protect” their customers from things like revenge porn & puts out shady questionnaires regarding sexuality between adults and underage children. For those “geniuses” running fakebook you have to wonder if they really are so lacking in morals to do the kinds of things they’re doing OR are they that stupid and cucked by the PC police that they’re going overboard in an effort to appear “inclusive”. I’d have to say the latter can’t be the only answer simply because they aren’t inclusive when it comes to people with ideas that don’t fit their agenda ~ such as conservatives. Fakebook has got to minimize or shut down those with opposite ideas because they wouldn’t want unwitting people to stumble across an alternative view that makes sense or an argument that demolishes their ideology. Can’t wait for it to be a platform with close to no influence on the populace worldwide, something it really deserves. That won’t hurt the bigwigs running it financially since they’ve already been millions and/or billions but their lack of influence will be a blessing! Peace.

Interesting as usual! I’m looking forward to the day when ALL of my favorite YT channels are available on steemit and/or DTube! Thanks Ed for being one of them and making me laugh 😂