Daily Rabbit Hole #370 | Cuckolding the new exciting trend, according to MSM

in news •  7 years ago 
  1. MSM pushing something strange
  2. NASA loses everything
  3. To use the device, you have to "bend knee"
  4. Will MAPs be accepted by the LGBT?
  5. CNN lobbies to bann InfoWars



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Don’t get OFF message with that sexual preference SHIT❗️Who cares . As long as they’re not forcing it on anyone , or messing with children really I see these as none issues . I use to swing with my wife and there were a mix of people involved , so its not a good , or a bad thing . Its just consenting adults having fun . Some men like to get tied up and beaten senseless . LOL What are you going to do ED .....SAVE THEM ❓😆 Are you going to be a sexual justice warrior❓😆 Please stick to establishment obvious crimes and not SO - CALLED PSYOPS . Not everything is a psyop . Its a free world and people are going to explore so your just going to have to deal with it . We have plenty to talk about with the fake federal government , and their fake moon landings , and two planes knocking down three skyscrapers to start wars for profit . And not enough is being said about the fact that NASA lost a “NATIONAL TRESURE”in all the moon landing records yet there is no congressional hearings ⁉️ NO ONE in the MSM is even talking about it . I mean really they lost all telemetry, photos , and video , and no one is suspicious ⁉️🤨 We should also be talking about these PEDOS trying to make what they do as “NORMAL”❓🤨 AH NO ❗️ It is not . And it has to STOP 🛑 ❗️I HATE PEDOPHILES and think they should be rounded up and put in cages . Nothing they do is acceptable , and now they want to run and hide behind another group to divide and conquer again . Same strategies used over and over for the same agendas . I’m Christian and don’t approve of homosexuality , but I can see where the NWO takes their fight to . And you can see how they work . Great show 👏👍

I don’t think the story is about sexual preferences at all. There seems to be an agenda to convince people that certain things are acceptable and will enhance your relationship with your spouse, when in fact it only tears down marriages and families.