Abdul Razak Ali Asan, 18, a refugee of Somalian origin, the suspect behind the Ohio State University Rampage apparently made a rant before going on an almost successful killing spree by ramming students with his car; a Honda Civic, hadn't not been for the quick actions of 28yr old Ohio State Officer Alan Harujko; who shot the suspect dead.
However the suspect made a rant on Facebook; venting his anger at Americans in what he perceived to be "Islamaphobia", and hatred towards Americans in general.
Like so many other random events happening in America nowadays, this appears to be the marking of a "false flag attack" aimed at further spurring sympathy and fear from the public or sheeple, in order to further persuade them to give up their civil rights; namely the right to bear arms and freedom of speech. Pizzagate and this recent incident cannot be a coincidence; they are distractions to keep us from the truth. The truth is that America will be turned into d dictatorship; exacerbated by Obama and his cronies; whom recently created his dream project of that of his announced national security force that he spoke about several years ago during the early days of his presidency.
Now it is coming into fruition.
Abdul Razak Ali Asan's was afraid to pray in public for fear of reprisals from his American fears. It remains to be seen if he was previously harassed and intimidated verbally or physically for his religious beliefs; therefore nothing can be substantiated. But he perceived that people were out to get him because he's a Muslim. "America, stop interfering with Muslim countries; especially Muslim Ummah(community)!! We are not weak! We are not weak!!, he ranted.
Doesn't this pattern of a ranting "Muslim boogieman" sound familiar to you?
Notice any similarities concerning other "incidents" like this one?
I thought so, to.
Clearly, this latest incident will spark fears of Islamic radicalism and Islamaphobia; yet again by the very same people who created them in the first place: The CIA. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood; all created by US government agencies. Yet the mainstream media INSISTS that is not the case when evidence to the contrary CLEARLY says otherwise....
And due to the fact the suspect was a refugee from Somalia; clearly in connotation with the refugee crisis sweeping throughout Europe will spur calls from the collective of America to tighten it's immigration laws; in a gross underestimation that this will deter terrorism. But the sad truth is that terrorists can strike at any place at ANY TIME; REGARDLESS if vast safety measures are implemented in the future.
Not even campuses are safe from violence; whether religiously or personally motivated by lone wolf or a group of individuals with grievances against the US government and it's policies regarding conflicts in Islamic countries or against their peers who deem said individual a social outcast; evidenced by Columbine and Virginia Tech. Both shootings were not religiously motivated, but rather for personal reasons; namely being bullied or socially ostracized from their very peers. The psychological ramifications of these incidents leave long lasting effects on their victims; after the incident has come to pass.
If anything is to be learned from this, it's that it represents a disturbing trait. That those operating in the shadows have been using this tried and true method of spreading fear and chaos to the unsuspecting populace. Thankfully, no one was killed; albeit unfortunately for the suspect, who was misguided and paranoid among his surroundings and peers, but by analyzing and interpreting these ramblings of a lone wolf, so to speak, will undoubtedly raise more questions, and sadly enough, very little answers; especially from the mainstream press. Only alternative media sources are up to the task of presenting curious and alert viewers to the real truth about these events than those who are sorely for it for profit.
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