RE: Venezuelan economy falls on the cliff. - La economía venezolana cae en el acantilado.

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Venezuelan economy falls on the cliff. - La economía venezolana cae en el acantilado.

in news •  8 years ago 

Could their currency be being devalued by america/IMF via economic hitmen? This will create enough instability in the country to allow boots on the ground in Venezuela to liberate them and restore order. Then America will control their oil reserves while they get back on their feet, and elect a new leader that will be totally controlled by the US. America gets the majority of its oil from Venezuela. Or not who knows?

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The truth is we only have the insertion of what happens in the country, I am not an economic analyst to know exactly why this is happening to our economy. What I do know is that before this government I could work and get my things, and now neither because I work from sun to sun I can cover my basic needs. But as you say, who knows what's going on? Thanks for your comment @threat08. Good luck and greetings.

I think it's rather money creation by the venezuelan central bank. By printing money, goverments are able to cover their budgets, and the bolivar in this case lower its value against the dollar

This case has become very common these days here in Venezuela. The government instead of generating domestic production, prints money to pay off debts and make the situation of the country appear normal. Thanks for your comment @kkro. Greetings. :)