Imran Awan given Immunity? Bruce Paddock Charges Dropped for “Bias”... Broken System - DTUBE Upload

in news •  7 years ago 

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Imran Awan was given a "sweetheart plea deal" and is now immune from any charges against him for his compputer activity. This could not be more crazy.

Fox News Story on the Awan Deal:

Daily Caller on the Awan Plea Deal:

The brother of Stephen Paddock the "shooter in Las Vegas" according to the Main stream media, Bruce Paddock just had the charges for child pornography dropped due to "prejudice" because of the Vegas incident. So the child pornography was not proven to be inaccurate but Bruce Paddock is gonna walk Scot free because our justice system is completely flawed.

Daily Mail on this Bruce Paddock situation:

My earlier breakdown of Vegas that got pulled from "Themtube", you can see the link for the bitchute upload in this steemit post:

Random Rants of Ryan @RROR video on this same subject: Video Link

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Awesome informaytion , i really like it .
Good job , carry on .

Thanks fir sharing @titusfrost
Upvote you .

I also liked films. Thanks for sharing with such a awesome info

Bitterly rEsteemed...

Not because of you @titusfrost but rather over the Story's content.


You are beginning to realize the totality of the corruption that permeates the USG. Do you actually think anyone of importance will be indicted as a result of the congressional circus that is currently underway? Awan isn't going to rat on anyone... he values his life and he has dirt on the swamp creatures that is hidden away, only to be released should he succumb to an untimely accident.