Why have aliens not visited us ?

in news •  8 years ago 

Past few days all around us we are bombed with the news about TRAPPIST-1. The cool red dwarf star what in her solar system contains even three planets what are compatible for humans to live on that is "only" 40 light years away.

Today scientists say that with the technology what we have now it would take "only" about 40 milion years to get there.

You can't say that dosent make you to ask yourself


What is their story?

Are they  itelligent?

and finaly

Why have aliens not visited us?

To get the answer to that question we first must assume they exitst, second, we must put our self in their position.

Our solar system has a yellow star that we call the "Sun" . We also know that in the universe exists many solar systems  with more then one star.

So i also dont know even if they exist why whould they visit us. I mean, would you go on a 40 light years trip to visit a  ★  start solar system? NO ! You would go find a nice  ★  ★  ★  ★  or   ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  star solar system.


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We, the human race, doesn't even know about all the intelligent, self aware, species that live on our planet. We don't even have the perceptive ability to interact but with a tiny fraction of reality.

But, I feel, it is the hight of hubris to think that an alien race uses radio waves to communicate with or that pi is some irrational number.

We are communicated with all the time by beings not of earth. But aliens will not show up until a huge percentage of humans decide that aliens are real. We have free choice to not believe in them, and they respect that choice.

That part with the pi numbers, radio waves, crop circles, area 51 is ridiculous, but people have prejudices about them, and when they think about aliens their first taguht is lil green evil predators, and i like that idea of yours, as long as we dont embrace the idea of communicating and contact with them they wont obtrute them self to us. And i think a civilization old couple milion years (?) should by now overcome jealousy wars and similiar


I am glad to report that I feel we are finally starting to wise up.
We are finally entering a time when we will not go to war anymore.

By all past statistics, we should have been in WW3 by now. The neocons have been pushing really hard on getting us into another big war. But instead, when the TV says its those bloody Russians, most people say meh. This gives me great hope.

I believe we will see full blown alien contact here soon. More and more people appear to be moving away from space invaders to aliens are real and would like to talk.

We must realize our lifetime is short,so i dont have much hope i will be meeting them but in the last 400 years our avarage lifetime has been extended by 40 years and who knows how long we will be living. If you think somwhere out there is a civilization old couple milion years who knows how long are they living? Are they immortal? Are they living at all? Can we understand theirs term of life?
This post has gone in a wrong direction :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

as human's, scientist in particular since they paved this particular way, we judge another species intelligence by how well they do what humans tell them.

Dogs are smart because they sit when we say "sit".
Cats are dumb cause they don't do anything we tell them.

Especially for aquatic mammals my heart breaks. Super intelligent but very misunderstood. I actually blame the bible for this. lol

I agree with you, about our "scientific and intelligent" bias.

But, I mean entities that we do not even classify as entities.
Such as there are these entities that live in the air.
They are about 60 feet in diameter, and we experience them as spinning winds, or sudden gusts that seem to come and pass.

That's way deep man. Really deep. I like it.

Only 40 million years. :-) That stat only would be good support for those arguing that aliens are NOT visiting us.

Haha ye i agree, also some of us belive they have already been here 4-5000 years ago :D

My only argument there is: If they've been here that long and they are so much more superior to us, why are we still such a mess. :-D

Have only read the title: obviously "aliens" , have been visiting this planet for millions of years.

The evidence is everywhere but propaganda is a useful tool.

Look up Edward Bernays.

Youve been indoctrinated with untruth.

Still im a lil bit sceptic about that , read the comment of @builderofcastles above, that is an a idea im willing to support

I think we are skeptical because of the word "alien".
We imagine that if there is other life besides that on earth then they are "aliens".

Yet the reality is they probably look similar to us and are most likely humanoid (meaning two legs, two arms two eyes, ussually a nose, and opposable thumbs).

Have you considered the possibility that a very large amount of species on earth comes from elsewhere and therefore could be deemed "alien"?

Its called seeding life,

or in Latin;


without a doubt i believe aliens have visited us.

I know nacional geographic made some rly good documentary about it but still i cant imagine how did they come here, traveling such a distance is still unbelievable to me, mby they teleport?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yea. it does seem impossible. Considering how young our solar system is in the grand scheme of things you have to consider that some far of galaxies have in all probability life on a planet. Humans have been using tools for a couple hundred thousand years or so, debatable but you know what i mean). So i would assume that on some planets some creatures have been using tools, potentially, for millions of year before even the first microbe popped up on earth. With millions of years of advancement on us they, even within the limit is of what is physically possible, they could build a spacecraft that could support life for millions of years, just travelling through space. Generations of their species you could live and die on its journey through space.

And you asked why would they visit a one planet system over a multi planet system.... Who says they didn't visit them all? If you can go to one why not go to all? We have one and it's total worth it for us to be here.

Even if it took a million years it might be possible. Who knows what their physical bodies evolved to withstand or their medical technology developed to overcome. Human have done more technological advancement in the past 100 years than our entire history combined before.

Anyways, that's morning coffee ramble. Good post, gets mind going, reminds why i followed. That's just my guess.

**by 1 planet mean habitable planet or in the goldie locks zone.

Yea i dint rly consider that they have milion of years of advantage (?) or the idea that they can actually live on a trip through the space , actually if you think better, few hundreds years ago it was unthinkable to us having electricity, we taught the earth was a flat surface. So i think we are limitied with our knowlage, not to speak that we cant possibly understand someone elses knowlage, intelligence, ways or anything else.
The part about stars was a joke :D like rating stars in a hotel, why whould you go in a 1 star hotel :D :D :D
Like your way of thinking

I would like for this to be true.