What Will Happen to Steemit Once a Global Entity Controls ICANN?

in news •  9 years ago 

Unless you live in North Korea or watch some of fyrstikken's videos, you may not be aware of the fact that, we're all doomed! To further this evidence of our doom, recently United States President Barack Obama has decreed that he will, unconstitutionally, give control of ICANN to a global entity, likely the United Nations, in less than six weeks.

What will happen to Steemit.com if China or Russia control the Internet's basic functions, which the USA has kept "free" up until this time? This move reportedly is being done to deflate some of the anger surrounding the revelations of Edward Snowden, that the NSA was spying on foreign leaders.

President Obama wants America to surrender the root zone file of the Internet, otherwise known as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). But the Internet is not President Obama's to just give away. Yet that's what is being proposed in this misguided, if not illegal, policy despite the efforts of Ted Cruz and Sean Duffy who introduced the "Protecting Internet Freedom Act", in what is billed as an effort prevent the transfer without Congressional approval.

In a misinformed article, David Post (Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute) rejected concerns of elected officials saying that the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) transfer was nothing but a ...

“termination of a series of contracts"


“the file is intangible information… nobody owns that file — get used to it. It’s not the Panama Canal.”

The problem with that assertion is that the “series of contracts” states precisely the opposite on pages 30 and 31 of the IANA / Department of Commerce contract. Someone does own the file, and it is the U.S. Government. It clearly states that all deliverables are the property of the United States. That includes the most recently released and edited root zone file.

The only thing David Post got right was the fact that the Internet is not the Panama Canal. It is far more important and valuable; it is the Internet.

Recently "Black Pigeon Speaks" talked on this issue. Here is the video for those that prefer to have their information delivered to their ear-holes.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

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I undertand your concerns but I also understand why they are doing it.

It looks bad to have it under the control of one country. - I can't think of a good way to do it that is safe and also makes everyone happy though.

This is why we need decentralisation of the whole system so no government can restrict freedom of information.

I suppose that is part of what MAID SAFE were trying to do and in some respects NAMECOIN - not sure if NMC even exists anymore.

This is why we need decentralisation of the whole system so no government can restrict freedom of information.

I agree, but I also believe that at least for a time it will cut off a significant portion of the "mainstream" population from having access to non-government approved information ... assuming the worst is ahead.

There are several options which you mention as well as Qora (which may be the easiest to use) and ...


But I think getting the masses to accept and use these tools is unlikely, which is why this move is concerning to me. Governments in the future will likely be able to easily control information on the Internet via a group who do whatever they say while relieving that government of any responsibility or bad press from a website being blocked or taken down completely.

In this scenario they will likely be able to fill the Internet with their pro-government propaganda while thwarting any information to the contrary from being easily seen by the people. I understand that this view seems somewhat extreme, but I do believe it is a valid concern and do believe it is why this move is being initiated under the guise of "it's because of Edward Snowden".

We are dealing with manipulating masterminds operating behind a curtain, controlling our airwaves and now they want to control all of the information that is presented to the populous. I do not buy the notion that world leaders are working against one another, I believe they are working with one another in a very coordinated effort to keep us enslaved and this is just another well planned move to assure that they do just that.

Governments in the future will likely be able to easily control information on the Internet via a group who do whatever they say while relieving that government of any responsibility or bad press from a website being blocked or taken down completely

I think we are already seeing a lot of this for example in China. It is straight out of George Orwell's 1984 (one of my favourite books sadly it is coming to pass).


Oh yes I remember seeing that too. Great idea.

We are dealing with manipulating masterminds operating behind a curtain, controlling our airwaves and now they want to control all of the information that is presented to the populous.

I think the masterminds are the super wealthy and major multinational world corporations. I'm not sure we can do anything about it though. It's quite depressing.

China? The us alphabet soups have been doing cover ups and deleting sites and info since before morse code or the internet... we may be beyond what orwell conceived.

And those guys had nothing to do with obama or government...no authoity was given by anyone...they just did it. Secerecy aids in lack of oversite and checks and balances...but even secerets of all types will soon be impossible to keep locked down

It seems you and I think exactly alike!

Nmc exists otherwise none of these coins would

Jesus, I never heard of this. Will start googling but any word on what can be done?

Your guess is as good as mine, but I really don't think there's anything "we" can do that won't get us on a "list" or in an orange suit. ;)

I'd like to hear @larkenrose and @corbettreport 's opinion on this as well as some of the other high dollar talkers we have on Steemit lately. They are far more abreast of situations like this, have far more resources and contacts and can talk more eloquently on the matter than I.

I'm lucky to draw 150 views to my post and this topic frankly needs far more attention and research which they can supply since more people follow them and are willing to accept what they say as a legitimate concern, versus a random person with a weird pseudonym most don't figure out for a year. ;)

Uh nothing , its like selling other countries dumbed down f16s...they get cool toys but its minimal threat or disturbance.

so confused ! what'll happen ???

I guess we're going to find out. =/

Likely, nothing major. But the big issue for me is, why and how is it happening when it's clearly (to me) not something that should be happening at the hand of one man (on appearance). The US President is a puppet IMHO. He's not doing anything he has not been instructed to do. This is simply more evidence that he is controlled and that our entire government is a joke that only seeks to control the people ... and this move will give those truly in power even more power over the rest of us and the information we put forth on the Internet.

Obama is doing it and his reasoning is the same as always -- 'because fuck you, that's why'

That was hilarious!

How do i down vote this?

Nobody really knows for sure.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

wow how the fuck did i miss this. I had literally no idea this was even a thing.

that said, i don't think conventional DNS is long for the world anyway.

Well, someone uploads steemit frontend to ipfs/zeronet or makes a light wallet out of it.

The main assumption here is that the US government has the best interests of the whole world at heart. I would have preferred it if the US had spun this off as a non-profit private corporation rather than give it to the UN.

@tuck-fheman What about NAMECOIN? Isn't it supposed to be like its own DNS or something ? Maybe that's the way to go? Anyone know more about Namecoin. I know I mined some it along time ago and it still exists.

Yes, there are alternatives ... but why break what works?

To me, this is nothing more than a way to further control what information is put forth on the Internet. If the "global entity" doesn't like what is being said on a website, now they will have the ability to do something about it and the U.S. Government can just sit back and smugly smile while publicly proclaiming "it's a travesty!". They will pretend to fight it, much like Cruz's PIFA to keep the voting public on their side and their sorry asses in office.

This is simply passing the buck and blame to an outside agency that the US Government can point to as another boogeyman down the road. While in reality whoever gains control will be doing exactly what those who have the perceived power want them to do to keep them in power and the rest of us stifled with only their brand of "news" and information.

There are several promising projects.

Maidsafe, IPFS, Freenet, Commotion - there are many hackers who are interested in preserving freedom.

If they (i.e. the Power Elite, the Establishment, etc.) try a crackdown, lots of people will notice and push back.

Nmc and vpncoin to name less then a few.

Very good news. The less a single government controls, the better.

? I think this is very bad news I think you should read it again.

I read several articles about this, and my only conclusion is "this was way overdue". ICANN will still be doing the same job it was before, controlled by the same people that controlled it before. It will just not have the US Government looking over it's shoulder. The power is in the hands of the board of directors, who are, industry IT people. Not Kim-Jong-Il, Obama or other technically, financially, and socially illiterate politicians.

I would have to clarify a few facts. Firstly, the United states do not control ICANN and the control of ICANN is not going to any global body, and certainly not the UN. ICANN will remain independent. The only thing that will change is the IANA stewardship. IANA is a department within ICANN. Currently, in order to edit names and numbers on the root nodes, IANA has to go through NTIA, who come under the department of commerce and perform only a clerical role. All that will happen now is that ICANN will take over that role and makes ICANN more independent.

what will happen then? enlighten us

No clue.

I dont see the big fuss really.
For one i dont get what has Russian and China to do with it? Even if the do, why not? Whats wrong with the internet in those countries now?
The Chinese with all its internet regulations, are still the number one investors and number one technology zone.

In Russia there are no regulations what so ever.

If you are worried about the fact that those countries will spy when they wil have control of those files. Well then...

In Russia the goverment has made a very correct decision and has decided that all websites that collect any information of Russian users, must have by 2017 (or 2018) their database files within Russia or get out. You be surpirsed but all the huge corporation so far complied, including companies like visa and maestro.

With it, the Russian goverment, today, is against any direct goverment inervention in the internet and constantly pushing towards new start ups and begginings

Its going to be a long hard battle to overturn much of what the criminals in government have done but you can see the people waking up and there's lots of people out there dedicated to waking up more. Even though some are just in it for the money, they too are ringing the bell. However if you just lost your job and pickins are slim for another one, or got harassed over your college loan you start looking around and realize you need to rattle some cages, so, theres always REAL hope. Press on!

They steal our content

As long as Facebook still works.


to-follow story

I hope that ICANN would maintain the steemit integrity and will cause no harm to steem and its community.

Who votes your shit up?

Generally people who don't consider it "shit" I guess. ;)

All votes are on the blockchain. Take a look and see for yourself who has upvoted this (or any) post ...


BTW, after browsing your post history, you should probably read this article below ...


People who dont know any better xc

Frightening Stuff.

So whatever happened to bitshares dns? The very first person employed by bitshares who goes by the name of Toast who last I heard is working for google was working on that project.

Let's see if @nikolai wants to respond. Otherwise you can probably find your answer here : https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/board,50.0.html

The project is dead afaik.



  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I'm beginning to think NWO theorists are looking more rational every day.

Combine this with his support for TPP (which my country is being bullied into despite huge public opposition) and you have an alarming, infuriating trend.


Corporations are on a warpath to erode our sovereignty.

I think they are manipulating, bribing and threatening our leaders into handing power to unelected international bodies.

Frankly, I want my monarchy back. I trust the Queen more than any politician right now.

NWO theorists

It's no theory.

Thank you very informative happened

Icann is ancient...crypto has its own networks globally ready to replace it...good article tho

The original author of a file is the owner...

Customers who purchase products containing those files are stake holders and partners...but their not paid...unless they contribute and amend the terms of use and other agreements... thank god for crypto!