Wikileaks Fully Exposed (IsraeliLeaks)

in news •  8 years ago 

A startling amount of people within the truth movement have failed to see the truth behind WikiLeaks and its obvious agenda. The most dangerous type of organization is one that pushes both truth and lies. Due to this notion, I have taken the
liberty to compile the information connecting Julian Assange and Wikileaks to the Rothschilds and Israel done by Con Tru.

​​In this Documentary, you will see the true motives of Wikileaks, who controls them, why they are not on the side of truth and the connection with Donald Trump’s campaign as well as Pizzagate. Please spread this information as it is up to us to spread light on the Truth!

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Interesting to say the least, but what I do not understand is why the "Pedo/Pizzagate" information came out of Wikileaks, is this not the power they have over Government officials to influence their agenda in the Middle East, regime change or what ever their end game is?
Time will tell with future releases that may indicate the end game they're playing, we'll see.

Exactly. They released the pizzagate stuff for a start. Plus Israel and CIA are in bed with each other anyway.
Their whole argument is based around Wikileaks not releasing negative stuff based on Israel. Another is Wikileaks hasn't leaked anything to do with 9/11. But Wikileaks can only leak what they have been given.

  • I've tried to explain to them that not everything is a conspiracy. where does it stop otherwise? Is the sun and moon a conspiracy?

I'll be happy to disprove, with facts, any questions you may have regarding this theory.

Always think critically with out bias agenda.
Thank you.

So you didn't watch the video then. Here, watch this

That was my point to begin with but these guys just don't want to hear it. You can probably see it in the comments.

Who are you talking to?

I dont think that not reporting on information makes him a zionist, wikileaks can only publish what is given to them. They aren't hackers themselves and are going out and finding this information, so it could just be that no one has ever given them that information.

That could be the case, but keep in mind, he knows who runs the organizations he works with, he knew who the bankers (Rothschilds) where when they bailed him out, only to have him go after their enemy's. Maybe he is not, but he is playing for their interests regardless.

I've been hearing for some time that wikileaks doesn't expose any zionist misbehavior. I suppose that's what that the video is about, I will take a look now. The one thing I will dare to say is that if wikileaks in fact doesn't expose zionists, then nothing released through the medium is to be trusted in my opinion.

Yes, and he has been an attack dog for the Rothschilds taking down other banks at their will. Also putting out info that highly favors Israel.

Go and do your homework yourself. This isn't proof.

I shouldn't really need to point out this isn't caps lock

No, and I shouldn't have to point out that the same reason you put it in the large font applies.

I released a video yesterday about how some are fooled now because of vault 7 that the CIA are the worlds biggest hackers, so I showed Israel bragging (for years) that they are the "leaders in Cyber" and that I thought this leak was to distract from them.
Someone replied that I shouldn't speak to soon because only 1% has been released and that I may be "embarrassed". I told them the WikiLeaks Zionist connection is old news and it would be shocking if Israel is mentioned. Now (thanks to you) I can just link this :)

Yup, we already had all the info on our site but when Vault 7 Dropped, I knew I had to put it all together.

But have you also told @tyrannyunmasked that I also proved you wrong on every single one of your points?
Here and here

If you are willing to listen to my proof like I have yours then I'd be happy to break down that video minute by minute because that is basically a longer remix video of the the video you posted the other day.

I couldn't care less if Assange is a zionist or not. All I care about is the truth. Which you guys aren't providing.

@fortified You have been whole heartedly defending WikiLeaks (which is well in your rights)
Others and I have been telling you that the evidence is the lack of leaks on Israel and the fact that Assange supports the 9/11 official story! (for a couple examples)

Like I keep repeating to you, it's fine to disagree (agree to disagree) but you keep asking for proof, like you want Assange to tell you himself?

It is opinion we are talking about and you seem upset that not everyone shares yours?

It's always best to reference original source material.

Wanted by the CIA: Julian Assange - Wikileaks founder - Belfast Telegraph - July 10th 2010

  • So lets take a look at the full context

His obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist. Is he one? "I believe in facts about conspiracies," he says, choosing his words slowly. "Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It's important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there's enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news." What about 9/11? "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." What about the Bilderberg conference? "That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes."

  • Yes he says people are "distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11"

  • He also points out "I believe in facts about conspiracies,"
    Wikileaks can only publish what they get given. If he doesn't have the facts about 9/11 he couldn't say in an interview he believed in it. It doesn't mean inside he has an opinion of what could of happened.

I just don't see a strong enough connection between him having an opinion based of what he knew about 9/11 in July 2010 and him being a zionist now.

@fortified Defending Assange for stating "distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11" REALLY? You are reaching so far for your love of Assange that you claim he can't count or thinks 1 + 1 = 3? You see what you want okay? Best of luck to you :)

I bet he thinks Trump is going to make America great again still.

@fortified If you watched my video, towards the end Corbett shows the 5 dancing Israelis stating "our job was only to document it"! Many consider that "proof" not to mention a hell of a lot more (including common sense) but hey enough of getting off topic.

There are many signs/dots that make Assange look like "controlled opposition" but I am done repeating myself and I hope you can relax and have a good night

So now does that make me a zionist?
I'm not defending what he said. I was putting what he said into context.
Anyway even you Mr.lecrazycanuckeh don't have solid proof 9/11 was an inside job.

Are you a zionist for not proving 9/11 was an inside job yet?

If you want answers yourself become a hacker. There is half a million + Anonymous hackers out there looking for proof of 9/11 etc. Don't you think it's more likely that info would come from one of them? Assange is only one man and Wikileaks aren't hackers.

I feel for you man. I want proof of 9/11 as well but until then we can't go around taking our frustrations out on people like Assange.

Plus. I wouldn't care if you were chatting about ufos or 9/11 or chemtrails or flat earth or synthetic worlds or any other conspiracy but what you are chatting about here is dangerous and damaging without proof. Wikileaks is constantly in danger releasing material. Just because some of the material you haven't seen isn't zionist related you think he is a zionist. There is probably 10,000000 files plus on WIkileaks. Go and at least have a search for what you want proof of. I can help you if you want. Are you looking for zionist secret letters or something?

You guys peddling this factually inaccurate/disinfo for views doesn't help.

  • I don't even know what your opinion relates to. All I have heard is Assange is a zionist.

  • Here is a little background on Israel so you can at least understand why I'm so confused.

Israel was formed in 1948 by the UN and signed off by President Harry S. Truman THE USA PRESIDENT.

Harry S. Truman also started the CIA.

  • Israel was formed as a place for the Jews to go after the WWII.
  • Truman and the US didn't give a fuck about the Palestinians that already lived there.

Wikileaks isn't bringing down the west. The west is bringing down the west. Mossad/CIA/DeepState/MI6. They are all the globalist elite wanting a new world order.

I honestly don't understand where 'Assange is azionist' even comes into it.
I'm going to finish now but I hope you will at least question your sources and not get led down paths by people and videos that have very loose claims and that come across as very bias from the start.
From where I am seeing things it almost seems like the guy in the video is the disinfo guy.
Obviously everyone is aloud an opinion. But opinions can be very dangerous if they are backed up by loose claims and 7 year old quotes taken out of context.

You are a human being with an incredible mind. You can do a near infinite things with it.
Don't suffocate and waste it getting consumed by thoughts that you may never prove. Not everything is a conspiracy theory. You will drive yourself mad.

How on Earth is that out of context? If he is saying it only based on documents he has or not, he is still saying that he is annoyed by the 911 conspiracy. Which has so much evidence to support it was an inside job overseen by Mossad that it's not even funny.

The hour long video is meant to expose Julian Assanges connections with the very criminals he is supposedly shedding light on. No where do I claim to solid have proof he is and agent. The evidence I provide speaks for itself. We can't go on not questioning these figures put out as heroes or we will be lead a stray.

If you can look at the clear connections and still trust Wikileaks than fine, that's your judgement, but don't come to me accusing me of something and negating things in my video as if its disproving anything.

I deal with people like you everyday, I know when you leave things out to control an argument. I'm not here for games, so don't even play that..

You seem to be the one playing games.
A game of view harvesting and ego inflating.
Sure I have left stuff out. It is a very complex situation that would take hours to post. But I will if I have to.
I've put more facts into disproving your point than you included in making the point in the first place.

I'm almost temped to make a post calling you lot out for being conspiracy nuts that are to far down the wrong rabbit hole. But I don't want to bring any more attention to this theory.

I had the title and everything.


See you around

You should be ashamed of yourself. I've screen capped so I can show it to you in a few weeks time. Hopefully by that time you will be suitable embarrassed. This post is based on nothing more than hearsay and conjecture.

Check previous comment.

Good, I expect an apology when you realize this was right. Just for the record, the video claims to EXPOSE not provide some kind of document. This video gives you a good idea of what people Julian works with, and whose intrests he leans towards as well I direct connections with Rothschilds and other corrupt groups. Nothing in this video is hearsay other than the Pizzagate bit, which if you want to go there, 99% of Pizzagate is hearsay.

I give up.
If you expose something you show it for what it really is.

So you are going to call me a conspiracy nut and a Liar in a round about way and then say you didn't even put in the effort to check out everything I provided first.

Maybe it's time to look in the mirror and check if you being truthful with yourself. Believing what makes you feel good without looking into the people giving you that info is dangerous and leads you down the wrong path my friend.
If you want to ACTUAL debunk something, look at the information first. Maybe you will actual learn something.

Have a great day!

This has been going on for nearly 3 days now. I have seen lots of these videos you guys post me. Yes I have watched that video. In fact that video you just posted me was from the @TitusFrost post 3 days ago. This is what started it all off.

I can pick it apart for you again if you want me to.

Look. I'm not here to be a pain in your backside but you guys have got to use some critical thinking.

Yes have your views and opinions but to spit them so loudly as truth can be very dangerous.

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." George Orwell

If showing people facts about a person is dangerous, it was their fault for bringing those facts into reality. Also, asking me to not speak my opinion is about as Orwellian as it gets. Really man, its time to check your own principals.

(Reply to later comment)
I've never told you or anyone to not voice your opinion. But to voice it so loudly with such gusto with little facts will come back and bite you.

I did upvote your orwell quote thought, It's an important one.

Anyway at least I've made you think.

Hopefully I've made you think as well. My voice is very loud when peoples actions lead to war, oppression and loss of freedom.